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File metadata and controls

123 lines (88 loc) · 9.33 KB

Contributing New Content

Table of contents


This is a guide on how to add or update Guideline markdown content to Eye Guide, which will be automatically generated into new guidelines pages on the Emergency Eye Guide website.

  • Conditions are grouped by category. The category names will be listed on the first page of the application.
    • On clicking on a category, a list of all the conditions within that category are listed.
    • On clicking of a condition name, the written guidelines for that condition will be shown.
    • The written guidelines has a table of contents at the top that links to all the section headings listed in the document.


  1. New guidelines need to be written using Markdown. Markdown is a way to write content for the web, that is regular text with some symbols (e.g. asterisks ( * ) to indicate certain things such as bullet points).

  2. HackMD is a good site that allows you draft content in Markdown.

    • We recommend using it to prepare your drafts or update drafts of existing guidelines, and only upload them to Github when the text is ready to go live on the website.
    • HackMD also autosaves, and you can share the link to anyone who can edit the same file. Ensure you don't lose your text by saving the link, or signing in using a GitHub account.
  3. ⚠️The content structure of your markdown must match the format of this TEMPLATE - copy and paste it to the a new HackMD note to get started.

    • Ensure the very top meta-data section between --- includes:
      • title: Name of the condition
      • date: "2017-08-21" - this date will appear at the bottom of your draft as the Last Updated -date-. Must be in YYYY-MM-DD format and in quotes.
      • category: ["name of the category"] - must be lowercase, in quotes and square brackets.


  • The catergory name must be all in lowercase. Ensure the category matches exactly for all guidelines meant to appear in the same category.

    • Currently (as of 29/07/2018) active options are: adnexal, external, glaucoma, medical, neuro, pediatrics, retina, trauma-infection.
    • Categories as they appear on the website are based on these category tags, NOT the GitHub category folder name.
  • You do not need to add the condition again in a heading, since the application will use the title in this top meta-data section to generate it automatically.

  • Any content underneath the meta-data section can be written in Markdown (go crazy with Markdown here if you like - bullet points are always handy!).

    • N.B. The application will automatically generate a table of contents at the top of the page (that links to the appropriate sections) using the Headings (indicated by the Markdown hashtags - #)
  • When copy-pasting from, ensure you are copying the raw text or follow this link to go direct to the raw text.


Navigate to the Eye Guide GitHub code repo

  1. After navigating to the Eye Guide GitHub code repo, you will encounter all the files that make up the application: View of the Githb page

  2. Click into the src folder.

  3. Next, click into the pages folder.

  4. Finally click on the guidelines folder (alternatively this is the direct link to this folder). You will see a list of folders for each condition category. the guidelines folder⚠️This is the location of the guidelines content and only folder you should be modifying.


  1. Ensure you have navigated to the guidelines folder.

  2. Have your clinical guideline document ready to upload, written using Markdown - as instructed above (in the section "Writing new guidelines in Markdown").

  3. Back in the Github repo, inside the guidelines folder: click into the relevant category that you'd like this new condition to be listed under. In this example it will be the adnexal category, which will list a document for each of the other conditions within the same category. example category

  4. In the top right, click the 'Create new file' button which will bring you to this page: uploading page

  5. ⚠️ In the "Name your file" input box put the condition in the appropriate casing, and end the name with the markdown extension: .md.

    • If the condition consists of more than one word use underscores e.g.
  6. Copy and paste the Markdown text from your HackMd draft into the file (under "Edit new file"), so it will look like: Adding a Markdown file

  7. Now scroll down to the bottom of the page to the "Commit new file" section.

    • Add a title to the action of uploading the file (e.g. "Create").
    • Ensure you select Commit directly to the 'master' branch
  8. Click the green "Commit new file" button.

  9. Once the new file is commited, the website itself should automatically update after a few minutes and it should include the new guideline under the appropriate category. Please wait at least 15min for the website to update.


  1. To edit an exisiting condition that already exists, navigate to the [name of condition].md file.
  2. Click on the title of the condition, that will open the file: Editting an existing condition file
  3. Click on the pencil icon on the top right (it will say "Edit this file" when you hover over the icon)
  4. You can now edit the text within the file, or copy-paste the contents into a HackMD file for more extensive amends.
  5. Whenever you update a file, we advise you update the date meta-information at the top of the markdown file.
  6. Once done, scroll to the bottom of the page to the "Commit changes" section.
  7. Add a title for the update (eg. "Update" and optional description, then click the green 'Commit' button to update the file, ensuring you select Commit directly to the 'master' branch.
  8. It should now be updated!


  1. Navigate to the file that you want to delete, and click on the top right corner (the 'dustbin' icon)
  2. Scroll to the bottom of the page, add a title (eg. "Delete" and and click the "Commit" button, ensuring you select Commit directly to the 'master' branch.
  • NB: If you want to delete an entire category (i.e. a whole folder), delete all the documents within the folder, and an empty folder will disappear automatically.


⚠️ You must have a written up MarkDown condition under this category

  1. Ensure you are in the guidelines folder.
  2. Click on the "Create new file" grey button on the top right.
  3. Type the name of the new category in the "Name your file" input box.
    • If the name of the category contains more than one word, use underscores. Ensure casing is correct.
  4. After typing the new category name, add a forward slash - the "/" key. This will automatically add a new folder with the category name, and now in the next "Name your file" input box put the name of the new condition and follow the steps above (from step 6 onwards of the "Adding a new markdown file for a new condition" section). Example of new category addition


Contact Helen @helenzhou6 ( or Vanessa (@vlbee).