Change Log\n\nAll notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See versionize for commit guidelines.\n
0.7.0 (2022-12-7)
- add types and members annotations for Injectify & Injectify.Abstractions (#20) (923d4d7)
- missing external dependencies to injectify core lib (#19) (4b8a354)
0.6.0 (2022-12-4)
- add ci workflow (#9) (ee28a5d)
- add release ci configuration with publishing packages to Nuget (#15) (7d31f6f)
- injectify: move shared logic from specific implementations to Injectify common lib (486cf5f)
- injectify.autofac: move common implementation from Injectify.Autofac to Injectify common package (d6f8d73)
- move shared logic from Injectify.Microsoft.DependencyInjection to Injectify package (117a7ef)
- update ci trigger branches, add packaging output path (#13) (dcbb4c8)
- reduce double execution of the bootstrap in scope of navigation
- add nuspec build config for Injectify.Autofac package
- add sample of usage with Autofac DI framework
- add internals visibility for Injectify.Autofac package
- add Injectify.Autofac package using Autofac DI framework
- update versions, tags, descriptions
- remove Injectify.Microsoft.DependencyInjection package from internal visibility, since it is used only inside Injectify package
- fix package name typo, update quick start with versions
- Merge pull request #5 from vladhrapov/release/0.4.2
- fix package cross references
- add sample for usage of the v0.4.*
- update dependencies
- Merge pull request #4 from vladhrapov/release/0.4.1
- handle NullReferenceException when class was not marked as Injectable, but Bootstrap was called
- update to v0.4.1 version additional annotations
- update github repository url and tags
- update migration info for v0.4.0
- fix typo of the bootstrapper name
- remove nuget.exe
- update migration guide
- Merge pull request #3 from vladhrapov/release/0.4.0
- bump manually the rest versions for Injectify, Injectify.Abstractions
- add dependencies to Injectify.Microsoft.DependencyInjection nuspec package metadata
- use InjectionContext from abstractions for common codebase, add service provider selectors as extensions, move InjectableAttribute to Injectify package
- simplify internal annotations API, replace a bunch of parameters with InjectionContext, move InjectableAttribute to Injectify package as a common code
- simplify internal abstraction method parameters using service selectors in scope of InjectionContext model
- extract InjectAttribute common logic and move it to Injectify package
- move common implementation of the InjectAttribute from Injectify.Microsoft.DependencyInjection to the Injectify package
- add DI framework agnostic service selector implementation as a passed in parameter
- add bootstrap for OnInit, handle multiple OnInit annotations and page cast
- add onInit common implementation, introspection of marked methods using OnInit annotation
- add IOnInit contract, add IInjectable page constraint to be referency type
- add migration guide, release versioning docs
- update docs, add quick start, folder structure and initial docs for migration and samples
- add usage sample of 0.3.0 version
- bump Injectify.Microsoft.DependencyInjection to v0.4.0
- remove moved annotations references, add reference to service provider extensions
- update bootstrap API methods using InjectionContext model wrapper
- wrap up parameters using InjectionContext model
- update internal parameters API
- mark Bootstrap as obsolete
- Merge pull request #2 from vladhrapov/release/0.3.0
- specify strict versions of dependencies
- move DI framework agnostic implementations and helpers to Injectify package, reduce bootstrap amount of code and hide it internally
- move DependencyInjectionHelper as IntrospectionHelper from a specific DI referenced package to Injectify common, add reference to Injectify.Abstractions 0.3.0
- add new package Injectify with common implementations and helpers
- add description of the Injectify.Abstractions package
- add bootstrap for IInject, change core abstractions to be only internal visible
- improve page property injection api, get rid of BootstrapPage method invocation
- simplify Startup api for ConfigureServices method, upgrade from Injectify 0.1.0 to 0.2.0
- fix versionize reports generation
- bump Injectify.Microsoft.DependencyInjection to 0.3.0 version, add repository url in configurations
- bump Injectify.Abstractions version to release 0.3.0
- add internals visibility of the abstractions for Injectify package
- bump Injectify.Abstractions assembly version and file version to 0.3.0
- remove redundant generic parameters
- add nupkg files as ignored
- Merge pull request #1 from vladhrapov/release/0.2.0
- set reference to Injectify.Microsoft.DependencyInjection 0.2.0
- remove TServiceProvider generic type, add collection instantiation inside the library and ConfigureServices method execution
- remove services property from IStartup api, update ConfigureServices to return void
- add sample for 0.x.x lib usage
- add github reference to the project
- remove binaries, add github reference to the project
- fix runtime issues during injection and type search
- add basic implementation
- add basic structure
- update project info
- update project info, property group, bump version to 0.1.0
- Initial commit