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[http][source] invalid IP address syntax for key address for key sources.my_source #2680



Hello Timberio PPLs!

I'm actually using the http source in my vector config, with an alias formated this way: api.region.something.something:port, actually this seems to cause a format error, I thing it's expecting less dots there or something else :/

Here my config:

  type = "http"
  address = "api.region.something.something:80"
  encoding = "json"

  inputs = ["test"]
  type = "console"
  encoding.codec = "text"

The error:

vector --config druid/*.toml --dry-run -v
May 25 16:20:10.202  INFO vector: Log level "debug" is enabled.
May 25 16:20:10.202  INFO vector: Loading configs. path=["druid/pure_backend.toml"]
May 25 16:20:10.206 ERROR vector: Configuration error: "druid/pure_backend.toml": invalid IP 
address syntax for key `address` for key `sources.test`

My vector version:

vector --version
vector 0.9.1 (v0.9.1 x86_64-unknown-linux-musl 2020-04-30)

Seems you're importing a standard library there, I'm actually not a rust developper, saw this if it can help:

Hope this helps, and hope it's a good hint on solving this problem.

Thanks for reading, and thanks for your work 👍

PS: Is there a way to call specific endpoints like I'm actually not able to target a specific endpoint like this, and don't find it in the http source documentation as well, do you got any hint on this?

I dunno it this can help, but I think more advanced examples of http calls usages, with a body, etc... Can be helpful, with the same examples as curl commands, this is just ideas, but everybody knows what are doing curl commands (for example), so it's more a kind of traduction of what it will do with the provided parameters if you want to do a manual request (maybe I can open another ticket there to talk about this if you want 👍 )



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