A website made using leaflet.js, postgis and postgresql to help find people parking locations in Mumbai Area
- Provides a map of Mumbai area with marking on the parking locations got from dataset.
- User can check the nearest parking lots to location through toggle switch.
- A table which has addresses of each location nearest to the area selected.
Site is live on - https://parking-helpers.herokuapp.com/
- LeafletJS for web mapping
- pug as template engine
- CSS for styling
- Clone the repository:
$ git clone /~https://github.com/vdmondkr2002/Parking_Helper.git
- Install the necessary dependencies-
$ cd Parking_Helper
$ npm install
- Setting environment variables-
- Create a .env file and copy paste contents from .env.example file.
- Create a postgresql database and table as guided and import the .csv file provided into database
- Edit the values of environment variables as directed.
- Run the server-
$ npm start