As a Ðapp developer you have three main resources which allow Ðapp development.
- Web3 JavaScript API - This is the main JavaScript SDK to use when you want to interact with a nodes API
- JSON RPC API - This is the low level JSON RPC 2.0 interface to interface with a node. This API is used by the Web3 JavaScript API.
- Solidity Documentation - Solidity is the Vapory developed Smart Contract language, which compiles to EVM (Vapory Virtual Machine) opcodes.
- Standardized Contract APIs - Standard contract API, which should be used to make some contract types accessible by other Ðapps. (Not yet finalised)
- Useful Ðapp Patterns - Code snippets which are useful for Ðapp development.
- Dapp using Meteor - This short tutorial gives an intro on how to start building a Ðapp using Meteor, and also why Meteor is a good fit for Ðapps.