- Initial version.
- Added more MCP operations.
- Added auth clients.
- Better documentation for library.
- HTTP library with send , get , post methods.
- Custom logger for client.
- Basic client and client options.
- Added device auth to client options.
- Added auth class.
- Added session manager.
- Epic api request send method.
- Added utils.
- parseAuthorizationCode method to parse any kind of authorization code string.
- getAuthorizationCodeURL method to generate a link to get authorization code from.
- authenticateWithAuthorizationCode method to create a device auth object by authentication using authorization code.
- Display name getter to client.
- FortniteApiIo manager.
- Get challenges method in FortniteApiIo class.
- Get items method in FortniteApiIo class.
- Get item data method to FortniteApiIo class.
- Get item sets method to FortniteApiIo class.
- Get rarities method to FortniteApiIo class.
- Get shop method to FortniteApiIo class.
- Create device auth method to auth library.
- Create exchange code method to auth library.
- Create specific fortnite auth client access token method to auth library.
- Kill multiple sessions method to auth library.
- Get external auths connections method to auth library.
- Unlink external auth method to auth library.
- More documentation on structures of FortniteApiIo class.
- MCP profile manager.
- Common core profile manager.
- VBucks method to common core profile manager.
- Purchased vbucks getter to common core profile manager.
- Get account receipts method to common core profile manager.
- Get supported creator method to common core profile manager.
- Updated example.
- Get vbucks purchase breakdown method to common core profile manager.
- Added campaign profile manager.
- Account resource object.
- STW Hero object.
- STW Worker class.
- STW Schematic object.
- Getters for heroes , workers , schematics , traps, weapons , different types of heroes in campaign profile.
- An important bug fix in README.md
- Made fortnite_api_io library a seperate package.
- Survivors squads getter in campaign profile.
- FORT Stats getter in campaign profile.
- Curve table reader.
- Power level calculator in campaign profile.
- Ability to check campaign profile of other players.
- More MCP endpoints.
- Set supported creator method to common core profile.
- onSessionUpdate event stream on main client.
- Added fromJson method to client options and device auth.
- Updated example.
- Added toJson method to device auth.
- fromJson method to external auths.
- save the world account resources dart class list.
- Avatar object.
- getAvatars method.
- Bug fix.
- Bug fix.
- Bug fix.
- Get account info method.
- Update account info method.
- Bug fix in createClientAccessToken.
- Get MTX Platform method.
- Set MTX Platform method.
- onInvalidAccount stream.
- Athena library.
- Player object.
- Banner quest object.
- findPlayers method to client.
- New campaign getters.
- Get and Post methods to client (override methods to parent Send method).
- Skip tutorial method to campaign.
- Survivor squad preset object.
- Survivor squad preset getter.
- Equip survivor squad preset method.
- Upgrade homebase node method.
- Collect research points method.
- Upgrade research stat method.
- Pending difficulty rewards getter.
- Research levels getter.
- Pending research levels getter.
- Daily rewards list.
- Daily reward claim response object.
- Claim daily reward method.
- isStormKing bool getter to stw schematic.
- Storm king quests map.
- Storm king quest getter.
- Storm king schematics getter.
- Bug fixes.
- Bug fixes.
- Add hero loadouts to profile.
- Bug fix.
- Bug fix.
- STW Reward claim methods.
- sbx getter in campaign profile.
- STW Power level calculation algorithm changed.
- Added rating to everything possible.
- Added inventory profile manager.