Category | Items |
🚨 | Python 3.10, Cuda 11.8 (🐧), Dask 2022.11, Numpy 1.23, Pandas 1.5.2, Tensorflow 2.11, Scikit 1.2, xarray 2022.12, PyFerret |
Python | Cartopy 0.21, matplotlib, holoview, hvplot, Cerbere (🐧), gsw, gpxpy, rasterio, Bokeh 3.0.3, Cython 0.29, netcdf4 1.6.2, wxpython |
Python (data) | Zarr 2.13, intake 0.6.6, s3fs, cdsapi, Cerbere, Google Cloud Storage, ESGF Pyclient, ncview (🐧 and 🍏), NCO Tools, Wekeo hda |
Development | mpi4py 3.1.4, f2py, Gcc/gfortran 12.2, JupyterLab 3, Spyder, nodeJS, Sphinx |
Category | Items |
🚨 | Python 3.8, Cuda 11 (🐧), Dask 2022.4, Numpy 1.21, Pandas 1.4, Tensorflow 2.4, Scikit 1.0, xarray 2022.3, PyFerret |
Python | Holoview, HvPlot, Cerbere (🐧), gsw, gpxpy, Cartopy, matplotlib, mpi4py, rasterio, Bokeh 2.3, Cython 0.29, netcdf4 1.5, wxpython |
Python (data) | Zarr 2.11, intake 0.6, s3fs, cdsapi, Cerbere, Google Cloud Storage, ESGF Pyclient, ncview (🐧 and 🍏), NCO Tools |
Development | mpi4py 3.1, f2py, Gcc/gfortran 11.2, JupyterLab 3, Spyder, nodeJS, Sphinx |
Category | Items |
🚨 | Python 3.8, Cuda 11 (🐧), Dask 2021.11, Numpy 1.20, Pandas 1.3, Tensorflow 2.4, Scikit 1.0, xarray 0.20, PyFerret |
Python | Cerbere (🐧), gsw 3.4, gpxpy, Cartopy, matplotlib, mpi4py, rasterio, Bokeh 2.3, Cython 0.29, netcdf4 1.5, wxpython |
Python (data) | Zarr 2.10, intake 0.6, s3fs, cdsapi, Cerbere, Google Cloud Storage, ESGF Pyclient, ncview (🐧 and 🍏), NCO Tools |
Development | mpi4py 3.1, f2py, Gcc/gfortran 9.4, JupyterLab 3, Spyder, nodeJS 15, Sphinx |
Category | Items |
🚨 | Python 3.8, Cuda 11 (🐧), Dask 2021.4, Numpy 1.20, Pandas 4.5, Tensorflow 2.4, Scikit 0.24, xarray 0.17 |
Python | Cerbere (🐧), gsw 3.4, gpxpy, matplotlib, mpi4py, rasterio, Bokeh 2.3, Cython 0.29, netcdf4 1.5 |
Python (data) | Zarr 2.8, intake 0.6, s3fs, cdsapi, Cerbere, Google Cloud Storage, ESGF Pyclient |
Development | JupyterLab 3, Spyder, nodeJS 15, ncview (🐧 and 🍏), NCO Tools |
Category | Items |
🚨 | Python 3.6, Cuda 10 (🐧), Dask 2021.1, Numpy 1.18, Pandas 1.1, Tensorflow 1.10, Scikit 0.24, xarray 0.16 |
Python | gsw 3.4, gpxpy, matplotlib, Basemap 1.2, Cartopy 0.18, mpi4py, rasterio, Bokeh 1.4, Cython 0.29, netcdf4 1.5 |
Python (data) | Zarr 2, intake, s3fs, cdsapi, Google Cloud Storage, ESGF Pyclient |
Development | JupyterLab 2.0, nodeJS 13 |