layout | title | nav_order | description | first_day | zybooks_code |
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Textbook |
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Information about course textbook |
Tuesday, April 4 |
UCSBCMPSCW8KharitonovaSpring2023 |
The textbook for this course is an online book on the platform.
The chief advantage of this book is that the reading assignments are integrated with practice problems where you can immediately check whether you have understood what you read.
It is required; there are required assignments each week starting with the first one, so you need to purchase it by the first day of class, {{page.first_day}}. The cost is $77.
Here's how to buy it:
Create an account at using your UCSB email of the form
You'll see the following. Enter zyBook code
{{ page.zybooks_code }}
- Then, you'll see the screen where you can provide your information:
- For your email address, use an email of the form
) - For the student ID number, enter your seven digit perm as numbers only (no hyphens!)
- For your email address, use an email of the form
It is important to get the email and student ID number correct.
- If you don't, there may be delays in getting credit for your work
- Please double check your entries for accuracy, otheriwse, your zyBooks scores will not show up in the gradebook on Gauchospace, resulting in failing the class.
If you are a UCSB Extension Pathway student, please make sure that you enter your student ID as shown on Gauchospace. This is the correct ID, since we'll be synchronizing zyBook scores with Gauchospace.
If your ID contains 8 digits, make sure to use all (and only) those digits that are shown to you on Gauchospace.
You can do it from the My Subscription tab on the right-hand sidebar, which you can access from the main zyBooks page that lists all chapters. To see the most up-to-date screenshots, go to the zyBooks Help Center.
Other questions about zyBooks? Wondering "Do I have to buy the book if I am re-taking the class"? See the answers on the [Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) in CSW 8]({{ site.url }}{{ site.baseurl }}/faq/#zybooks) page.