Name | Type | Description | Notes |
overallMatchPercentage | Integer | Represents the percentage match against all sources | |
internetMatchPercentage | Integer | Represents the percentage match against internet | [optional] |
publicationMatchPercentage | Integer | Represents the percentage match against all publications | [optional] |
submittedWorksMatchPercentage | Integer | Represents the percentage match against all submitted works | [optional] |
submissionId | String | ||
status | String | possible values PENDING, COMPLETE | |
timeGenerated | String | Time the report finished generating. If not set the report has not finished generating | |
timeRequested | String | Time the report was requested | |
topMatches | List<SimilarityMetadataAllOfTopMatches> | Top matches | |
topSourceLargestMatchedWordCount | Integer | Largest individual matched word count, 0 if there isn't a match to this submission. |