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Lemur Use Cases

Eva Tuczai edited this page Nov 16, 2019 · 5 revisions

Lemur Use Cases

Watch the Demo Video

This short video demonstrates how Lemur integrates open source observability, powered by Grafana, Kiali, and Jaeger, with full-stack context, powered by Turbonomic. Quickly determine, 'is it the code or the node?'

The Supply Chain

To leverage Lemur and Lemurctl, start with the understanding the Supply Chain: the components and relationships.

  • Supply Chain: the representation of the components that make up your services and kubernetes platform. Each component has a relationship to another that is represented by position and a line connecting components.
  • Entity: refers to each component in the supply chain, for example a node or a pod.
  • Commodity: refers to the metrics collected for each entity, for example Mem (Memory) or CPU

Lemur is based on Turbonomic which uses a common data model to represent the data abstracted from any environment managed. The following diagram and table maps this data model to the components discovered from your kubernetes cluster:

K8s Component Lemur Entity Representation
service Virtual Application the service resource
process Application the process served by a container
container Container a running container
pod Container Pod a running pod
node Virtual Machine a k8s node
namespace Virtual Data Center a namespace

The table below refers to how an entity is represented using Lemurctl that is also available running

$ ./lemurctl get -h
K8s Component Lemurctl Entity Representation Name
service svc the service resource vApp-{namespace}/{service_name}
process app the process served by a container App-{namespace}/{pod_name}/{container_name}
container c a running container {namespace}/{pod_name}/{container_name}
pod po a running pod {namespace}/{pod_name}
node vm a k8s node {node_name} If stitched then {vm_name}
namespace (coming soon) a namespace {namespace_name}
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