- Renamed python module from trovares_connector to xgt_connector.
- Add support for python 3.13.
- Drop support for python 3.7 and 3.8.
- Transfer query now returns row count and byte count of the transfer.
- Allow for fully qualified names when mapping.
- Added paramaters for column mapping.
- Added type hints.
- pyarrow warning about schema parameter.
- Added parameters for error suppression, row filtering, and duplicate vertex handling.
- Added Snowflake specific ODBC driver with ANSI int conversion.
- Add parameters for controlling max text/binary size when transferring from ODBC to xGT.
- When using easy edges, the type of the vertex will now conform to the edge type instead of assuming it is an int.
- Expand ODBC support to Databricks.
- py2neo support deprecated.
- Warn about using deprecated connectors.
- Added support to change transaction size when transferring from ODBC to xGT.
- Require xGT 1.14.
- Warnings about deprecated functions.
- Added SAP driver that supports downloading from SAP ASE.
- Added Oracle driver that supports downloading from Oracle.
- Added support for transferring arbitrary queries to xGT.
- Documentation errors.
- Reuse Arrow connection on xGT 1.11+.
- Added null support when writing to ODBC applications.
- Added query translator for Neo4j connector to better support running queries on data with multiple labels.
- Added support for transferring data from xGT to applications that support ODBC.
- Add MongoDB driver for improved MongoDB support.
- Can now transfer tables/databases via ODBC without data.
- Fixed tables not dropping automatically on transfer for ODBC.
- Fixed odbc import issue if ODBC not installed.
- Added ODBC connector for transferring from applications that support ODBC to xGT.
- Fixed python dependencies not installing on pip install.
- Added support for unlabeled nodes.
- Added support for mapping Neo4j labels and types to xGT.
- Added option to disable auto-downloading edges' source and target vertices.
- Improved download estimates for single relationships with multiple nodes.
- Rename disable_apoc to enable_apoc.
- Endpoints are now returned as a tuple of source and target instead of a string.
- Documentation improvements.
- Added support for point and list data types.
- Documentation improvements.
- Transferring empty frame/graph causes divide by 0.
- When transferring to Neo4j from xGT use the default namespace when all values are None.
- Initial Release.
- Added support for transferring graph data from Neo4j to xGT.
- Added support for transferring graph data from xGT to Neo4j.
- Provided methods for querying Neo4j's data schema.