- reliable systems and hardware
- reliable software
- current versions built consistently and quickly
- software and version accounting for all jobs
- reliable citation sources and re-producibility
./configure; make; sudo make install
Download tarball, check required packages, install them, build, re-check required packages, make test, make install, build modulefile.
Then repeat:
- for the next package
- exactly for new versions of this package
EasyBuild: building software with ease
- multiple versions and builds of many software packages
- automated package dependency system
- re-producible software package builds
- automated environment modules managment
- curated toolchains
- 1058 Software Packages (6600+ package versions)
- 54 toolchains
- 150+ contributors
- 87% of our existing software stack out of the box
- Terms & Components
- Building software
- Fred Hutch Implementation
- Community and Collaboration
- environment modules (
$ module load R
) - easyconfigs (build recipe)
- toolchains GCC, Intel, Clang/LLVM, etc. + libs
- sets and unsets environment variables
- avoids conflicts between software packages
- provides dependency resolution
- provides administrative hooks
- simple, end user-driven, scriptable
- administrative hooks
- greatly simplifies tangled, gnarly environments
- use Lmod if you can
- automated modulefile creation
- managment of module hierarchy
- don't write modules, just use them
- are text files (python)
- define a software package + version + toolchain
- can define extentions/modules/libraries
- can define options and environment variables
name = 'git'
version = '2.8.0'
homepage = 'http://git-scm.com/'
description = """Git is a free and open source distributed version control system designed
to handle everything from small to very large projects with speed and efficiency."""
toolchain = {'name': 'foss', 'version': '2016a'}
sources = ['v%(version)s.tar.gz']
source_urls = ['/~https://github.com/git/git/archive']
dependencies = [
('cURL', '7.47.0'),
('expat', '2.1.0'),
('gettext', '0.19.7'),
('Perl', '5.22.1', '-bare'),
- are defined in easyconfig files
- are a collection of compilers and support libraries
- provide consistent builds for module stacks
- aid in re-producibility
- are a great place for optimization fan-out
rbench on R-3.3.0:
- 179 secs R compiled on Ubuntu 14.04
- 83 secs (54% faster) EasyBuild foss-2016a R
- 91 secs (49% faster) EasyBuild intel-2016a R
- 86 secs (52% faster) Microsoft R (yes, on linux)
- easyconfig is package, version, toolchain
- toolchain is compiler, base libraries
- environment is complex, Modules and Easybuild manage it
- easyconfigs will build and run the same for everyone
- and everywhere (new OS, toolchain, etc.)
- Python
- Environment Modules
$ curl -O https://raw.github.../bootstrap_eb.py
$ python bootstrap_eb.py $EASYBUILD_PREFIX
$ module use $EASYBUILD_PREFIX/modules/all
$ module load EasyBuild
Let's build something
- centralized, shared packages
- non-root, multiple, individual builders in a group
- fast release of new versions
- "fat" R with up-to-date libraries optimized
- foss-n: Free Open Source Software - GCC, OpenBLAS, ScaLAPACK
- intel-n: Intel C & Fortran, Intel Math Kernel Libraries
- universal read-only NFS export
- common EasyBuild hierarchy
- NFS mounted /app on all systems (nfs ro)
- EasyBuild PREFIX owned by POSIX group
- EASYBUILD ENV VARS to support group building
- EasyBuild is easy-built; everything in /app
- EasyBuilds done on a build host (nfs rw)
- 218/757 software packages/versions built (add pkg list)
- 86% built in 4 months
- 87% of our old software stack re-built
- 4 SysAdmins independently building consistent packages
Python, HDF5, R, Perl, netCDF, SAMtools, BWA, SRA-Toolkit, R Bioconductor, MUSCLE, GATK, fastqc, Cufflinks, Bowtie, BEAST, WHAM,TopHat, svtoolkit, STAR, SPLITREAD, samblaster, RSEM, Rosetta, Queue, PyMOL, ngsShort, mrsFAST, MEME, matplotlib, lumpy, GROMACS, ClustalW2, bioperl, biopython, BEDTools, BEDOps, bcl2fastq, bcftools, bamUtils, BamTools
- adapting existing easyconfigs can be easy
- writing new easyconfigs is less easy
- existing community accepts all easyconfigs
- proliferation of package matrix
- hard to know where to start
- reduce EasyBuild ramp-up time
- build EB life-sciences community
- provide new versions quickly/publicly
- share tools and code
- reduce complexity of writing new easyconfigs
- provide 200+ life sciences packages in an hour
- help implement expanded toolchains/package clusters
- publish easyconfigs upstream
- publish life-sciences github repo
- published detailed implementation example
- take ownership of R easyconfig
- implement EasyBuild in container (docker/LXD)
If you have any questions: