Integrates AWS services and applications with Slack by streaming CloudWatch Events into Slack WebHooks.
Supported AWS services:
- AWS CodeBuild
- AWS CodePipeline coming soon
- Contributors welcome!
pip install awscli --upgrade --user
aws configure
npm install -g serverless
git clone /~
cd cloud-slacker
npm install
npm run lint
npm test
sls deploy --region your-aws-region --slack_url https://your-slack-webhooks-url
Use official Node.js 8+ distribution.
Follow installation instructions from AWS.
Install and set up Incoming WebHooks from Slack App Directory
npm install -g serverless
git clone /~
cd cloud-slacker
npm install
npm run lint
npm test
sls deploy --region your-aws-region --slack_url https://your-slack-webhooks-url