CO2 sensor wired to Arduino Nano that outputs CO2 concentration values in serial monitor and plotter of arduino. Also a buzzer sounds when high level concentrations are detected and an RGB light changes its colour when it is below some concentration.
- CO2 sensor (CCS811)
- Buzzer sounds when CO2 concentration is bigger than 800
- RGB LED is red when CO2 > 1000 ppm
- RGB LED is blue color when (800 < CO2 < 1000) ppm
- RGB LED is off when concentration is below 800
- Optionally uncoment code lines to obtain blue (600 < CO2 < 800) ppm and green (CO2 < 600 ppm)
- Arduino Nano
- Breadboard
- Buzzer
- Computer with Arduino IDE installed
- Cables
- Resistances (0.2k, Optional)
Thanks to mighelangelcasanova for sharing initial code: