Bush School CPJava Fall Semester 2023
We are only meeting for 2 Synchronous Sessions in the next 2 weeks - Once Oct 6th and then Oct 16th!
I am riding a final 2020 century for Mary Bridge Children's Hospital to raise funds for Child Abuse Prevention Wednesday Oct 7th. I will not be available on-hand this day but present all other days during this extra long async period!
- Access the Units 4 & 5 Student Paced Module here
- Please respond to prompts from the session by providing answers as requested
- Complete Units 4 & 5 and the Units 1 2 3 Student-Paced sessions by October 16th
- I will cover some important sections in class this week!
- I will also be grading your Trinket and Github submissions later this week
- Nested Loops Worksheet
- Math.random Worksheet
- Balloon (Slides 35 to 51)
- Coin (Slides 62 to 74)
- Con! (Slide 75)
These projects are introduced in the student-paced session Units 4 & 5 Student Paced Module
- CloverPractice (Slide 88)
- TargetPractice (Slide 89)
- BrickPractice (Slide 90)
- BalloonPractice (Slide 91)
- Token Practice (Slide 92)
- Complete Dice Project and submit to GitHub