For the LICSTER testbed, we provide some basic attack examples, to understand the impacts of ICS attacks.
hping3 is common tool to send custom TCP/IP packets. In this scenario, it is used for DoS/flooding attacks.
Flooding of the Remote IOs:
sudo hping3 --flood
sudo hping3 --flood
Flooding of the PLC:
sudo hping3 --flood
Flooding of the HMI:
sudo hping3 --flood
Flooding of the SCADA system:
sudo hping3 --flood
This scenarios will demonstrate, how the convey belt could b inflamed. For this, start a regular order on the HMI. After this, the attack can be started:
sudo ./
The convey belt should stop, after the punching process.
Start python with the corresponding LICSTER client:
python3 -i
E.g. execute an order over python:
The default IP of the TP-Link switch is Set the mirror port on PORT 8 and activate mirroring from PORT 1-7. After this, you can connect to PORT 8 and will see all network traffic of the testbed.