InstaHack: A python-based tool for hacking instagram accounts using brute force and dictionary attacks with private api from latest apk pinning
installation for Linux & Termux Android
bash -c "$(curl -k -L --max-redirs 15"
running instahack
- run instahack with
- type
in license key input - open the register link
redirect to whatsapp
Here's how to start Brute Force
* login with multiple accounts (cookies)
* login with customize devices (avoid suspicious login)
* proxy scraper with customize url (raw/text)
* proxy rotator (avoid spam & blocked ip)
* brute force from random email (no cookie required)
* brute force from random username (no cookie required)
* brute force from public username (cookie required)
* brute force from stored dump files (no cookie required)
* login method with private api & public api from latest apk pinning
* option for show checkpoint accounts
* option for using password encryption
* option for using password capitalize
* option for add custom password
* manage account results easily (json)
* manage session account, devices, proxies easily
GitHub Profile
Instagram Profile
Developed since February 1, 2023
This tool takes advantage of user carelessness by using easy-to-guess passwords by simply combining public details in the profile like their name & username maintained from version 1.0.0 until now version 3.0.6