- A connectivity checker to return a stream of
, which include- able to connect to server (call the API), with different connectivity level (high / low ping)
- not able to connect to the server but the network is available (e.g. server down)
- network unavailable
- Also provided a
widget to visualize the result
The demo code is available in the
ConnectivityDisplay widget display
- The icon & color are configurable
- Wether to show the icon is configurable
Icon with Tooltip
Exception at Snackbar
- If setting is on, a snackbar will show the exception during the connectivity check when the icon is tapped
// config
var connectivityConfig = ConnectivityConfig(
checkInterval: const Duration(seconds: 10), // check every 10 seconds
pingLevelConfig: PingLevelConfig(
goodPingThreshold: const Duration(milliseconds: 100), // ping <= goodPingThreshold -> goodConnection
okPingThreshold: const Duration(milliseconds: 500)), // ping <= okPingThreshold -> okConnection
pingUrl: 'http://localhost:3000/' // ping (HTTP GET) your server
Using the Stream Only
Stream<ConnectivityStatus> connectivityStream = ConnectivityChecker.stream(config);
Using the Widget
// display config
var displayConfig = DisplayConfig(loadingIndicatorColor: Colors.black)
const DisplayConfigForStatusType.goodConnection(
display: false, // don't display if goodConnection
const DisplayConfigForStatusType.okConnection(
showPingValue: true, // show the ping in the tooltip message
iconColor: Colors.yellow))
const DisplayConfigForStatusType.poorConnection(
iconColor: Colors.orange))
const DisplayConfigForStatusType.hasNetworkButNoConnection(
iconColor: Colors.red))
const DisplayConfigForStatusType.offline(iconColor: Colors.grey));
// use the ConnectivityDisplay Widget directly
ConnectivityDisplay(config: connectivityConfig, displayConfig: displayConfig),
Custom Request
- A custom request operation can be provided to the
to check the connectivity status instead of ping (HTTP GET) the given URL. - The custom request should be a
Future<dynamic> Function()
- It should throw an exception if the connectivity check fails / request timeout
- If no exception is thrown, the connectivity is classified by the time used to complete the request
var connectivityConfig = ConnectivityConfig(
pingRequest: () async {
// do some async operation here
await Future.delayed(Duration(milliseconds: 100));
Request Factory
A request factory is provided to create the custom request operation
The ping is considered successful if the request return with specified status code
request() async => ApiResponse(200, 'data');
var pingRequest = ConnectivityRequestFactory.requestWithTargetedResponseCode(
request, [200]);
- The ping is considered successful if the request return specified data
request() async => ApiResponse(200, 'data');
var pingRequest = ConnectivityRequestFactory.requestWithTargetedData(
request, (data) => data == 'data');