To run Imply as a docker service:
docker-compose -f imply/docker-compose.yml up -d
- Access the UI using the url http://localhost:9095
- In Druid every row has a
- Data partitioned by time (minutes,hours,days)
- Dimensions are fields that can be filtered or grouped by
- mmsi, time
- Metrics are abrogators functions (count, sum ...etc)
- numbers, float, ...
There are two ways for ingesting CSV data to Druid:
Using Imply UI, follow these actions:
- Load data
- Other (batch)
- Copy/Past Json config here is an example
- Send
Using Shell:
- Access imply docker container
- Navigate to /opt/imply-2.8.7
bin/post-index-task --file /var/lib/imply/resources/csv-from-parquet.json
select timestamp, count(latitude)
from "aisp1-20190204"
__time >= Timestamp '2019-02-04 19:30:00'
and __time <= Timestamp '2019-02-04 20:00:00'
group by "timestamp"
select *
from "aisp1-20190204"
__time >= Timestamp '2019-02-04 19:30:00'
and __time <= Timestamp '2019-02-04 20:00:00'
and mmsi='218292000'