This is a simple Android-ROS interface to control robots / simulators / vehicles from an Android-based touchscreen joystick. (Also the newer scripts support devices such as Logitech G920 and Logitech Cordless Rumblepad 2, so not everything is UDP-based, so the package name is not consistent, sorry)
Download UDP Joystick Android app from Google Play Store. This app is free and ad-free it only sends UPD packets to the destiination IP from the touchscreen-joystick.
Download and catkin build
the udp_joystick_ros
. (Don't forget to source).
Set the IP-s and ports and run both the App and the ROS package. The default port is 50505
, but you can change it.
rosrun udp_joystick_ros
rosrun udp_joystick_ros
rosrun udp_joystick_ros _udp_port:=50506
This will publish a ROS topic eg with the following name and type:
/ctrl_cmd [autoware_msgs/ControlCommandStamped]
/vehicle_cmd [autoware_msgs/VehicleCmd]