- Recognize second-order cones Recognize SOCP constraints from algebra and pass them natively, or transform to quadratics.
- Handle boolean constants in ProblemFlattener.
- More to #163: ignore SOS with zero weights.
Fixed #195: case-insensitive option synonyms.
Fixed #194 Report correct objno for feasibility problems in .sol file, so that AMPL can print "Objective = find feasible solution".
==> else Implemented implication with 'else': constr1 ==> constr2 [else constr3]
PLApproxRelTol, PLApproxDomain Parameters to control piecewise-linear approximation. cvt:plapprox:reltol default value changed from 1e-5 to 0.01.
- Piecewise-linear approximation of quadratics Automatic for linear solvers. For convex QP solvers, set the following options: cvt:quadobj=0 cvt:quadcon=0 to linearize nonconvex objective(s) and/or constraints. Recognizing x^2 for stronger univariate approximation.
Piecewise-linear approximation of univariate nonlinear functions Approximation of exp, a^x, x^a, log, log10, trigonometric and hyperbolic functions.
Default value of big-M For linearization of logical constraints on variables without finite bounds, option cvt:mip:bigM can provide a default big-M bound.
Solution file export On Windows now creates files with LF only to avoid issues when exporting suffixes to AMPL.
Multiple solutions export file format amended.
Propagating suffixes via expression trees into flat constraints Partially implemented #184. x-gurobi accepts options 'funcpieces...' and corresponding suffixes which are passed into GRBaddgenconstrExp etc.
Subexpressions: note that if a subexpression is contained in several constraints, for contradicting suffix values the maximum is taken.
Option 'cvt:writegraph' Exporting the flattening / conversion graph in JSON Lines format (WIP).
PowConstraint is reduced to quadratics in some cases For constant non-negative integer exponent and base variables with negative lower bound, PowConstraint is reduced to quadratics (possibly with auxiliary variables). Reason: Gurobi's GRBaddgenconstrPow not accepting negative bases.
Context for algebraic constraints Context is now propagated for algebraic constraints. For example, 3x + max(y, z) <= 6 will result in 3 linear constraints. (Earlier this was done for logical constraints and objectives).
- Special ordered sets Fixed: SOS are now recognized even if the suffix '.ref' value is integer
Complementarity constraints: also quadratics Complementarity constraints now handle quadratics.
Branch develop is used for new code The active development branch is now develop.
Convert quadratic range constraints to QuadCon(LE/EQ/GE) Gurobi and COPT do not support quadratic range constraints. (Gurobi's linear ranges are not feature-complete). Conversion of linear range constraints into one-side rhs constraints has been generalized for any algebraic ones.
Complementarity constraints: 1st go Conversion to MIP of complementarity constraints (no quadratics but functional subexpressions ok).
DivConstraint and DivConverter_MIP ModelFlattener now receives the Div expression and MIPFlatConverter handles it via quadratics.
Fix NL input variable order
Reduce default strict comparison tolerance Change cvt:mip:eps default value to 1e-4.
Build on MacOS 12.3, in particular on Apple M1 Fixed linking on MacOS 12.3 and FindCPLEX.cmake. For Apple M1, manually set -DCMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES="x86_64" in CMake when building with CPLEX 22.1 because it contains only Intel libraries.
Expression maps FlatConverter eliminates subexpressions of all types. A subexpression means here a duplicate expression, such as abs(x+2) occurring several times in the model (here x+2 is a nested subexpression).
AMPLS C API C API allowing access to underlying solver API. Replaces the previous Solver C API (solver-c.cc). Toy driver
exemplifies API usage.
Improved warnings (#161, #163): In verbose mode, FlatConverter / Backend print warning summary before and after solving
Fixed solver option parsing in Windows (#160)
Reworked Backend / ModelAPI class hierarchy (#162): In particular, also generalized old MP hierarchy (Solver / ProblemBuilder / AppSolutionHandler / SolverNLHandler)
Allowing SOS constraints with repeated weights (#163): Although Gurobi states SOS weights should be unique, it accepts them repeated. This happens when AMPL linearizes a PL function with redundant (repeated) slopes. It seems better to use PL functions natively (option pl_linearize 0;).