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Alden Hart edited this page Jul 6, 2016 · 15 revisions

This page contains nots for things that should be done to clean up the wiki.

###Communicating with TinyG This whole area is a mess. We need a page with some backgorund, and a page on the proper use of Linemode transmission protocol (4 buffer method).

Related pages that may useful data. Use these and get rid of stuff we don;t want:

###Updating Firmware and Problems with Flashing These pages should be reviewed so they hold together under one "Updating Firmware" or "Flashing TinyG" page. These pages mostly hang together, bit not all are linked from the parent page. My suggestion would be to put a bulleted list of all pages at the top of the parent page. Here are the related pages that I found:

Pages that should be reviewed and revised

###Pages to Delete

Move Elsewhere:

Clone this wiki locally