- JDK + FX 11 Zulu (https://www.azul.com/core-post-download/?endpoint=zulu&uuid=53d3549c-3cb6-44bc-bc7d-3618746dada5)
- Inno Installer 6 (the installer must be added to the windows PATH).
- /~https://github.com/syd711/vpin-studio
- /~https://github.com/syd711/vpin-mania-rest-client (private)
- /~https://github.com/syd711/vpin-studio-popper-client (private)
- Clone all 3x repositories
- Inside the vpin-studio project, run the maven build for the module vpin-connector-assets.
- Maven build the vpin-studio-popper-client project.
- Maven build the vpin-mania-rest-client project with skip tests!!!.
The vpin-studio project should build now, even without a maven build.
Edit the file resources/system.properties and paste the following entries there. Adapt the pinupSystem path.
The file#Sat Apr 08 12:27:44 CEST 2023
Assuming you use IDEA:
- Execute the Studio Server DEV runtime config.
- Start the Studio via the provided runtime config.
- Check the method PINEmHiService#checkForUpdates method
- Download and extract the new pinemhi into the resources folder.
- Update the version in the file scoringdb.json.
- Upload everything on main.
- Use the setVersion script to apply the new version, e.g. "setVersion.bat 1.3.5".
- Push everything
- Go to github actions and trigger the workflow job, this will build a release draft to review.
- Manually publish the drafted release.
- Clear the RELEASE_NOTES.md afterwards to start with the next version.
- Copy new resetted nvram files to resources/nvrams.
- Open the NVRamSynchronizer from the tools module and adapter author and target folder for the nvrams project. You need to clone this separately. The nvram project is supposed to be cloned next to the vpin-studio folder.
- Run the synchronizer.
- Download SceneBuilder and link it in idea by doing a right click on a fxml file.
- Add jar: In the left outliner, press the tiny gear icon. Add a jar from the local system and select vpin-studio-commons.jar.
- Add jar: In the left outliner, press the tiny gear icon. Add a jar from the local system and select vpin-studio-ui.jar.
- Add the following icon sets:
- search for the file jinput-dx8_64.dll in the workspace
- copy this into the bin folder of the JDK you are using