Releases: swisspost/gateleen
Release of version v1.0.22
Extended EventBus-Logging by providing the ability to define "metadata" for destinations. These metadata are required when using vertx-log-transformer
Release of version v1.0.18
#73 Add property to execute scheduler on startup
#74 Fix missing pattern matcher in delegate
#76 DelegateHandler couldn’t be loaded
#77 After Hooks are not fired if no before Hooks are available
#78 Improve DelegateName recognition pattern
#79 Delegate with empty body causes NullpointerException
[#70](Mime-Type matching for ZipExtractHandler) Mime-Type matching for ZipExtractHandler
[#60](Extend ZipHandler to allow uncompressed zip file creation) Extend ZipHandler to allow uncompressed zip file creation
[#59](Implement a DelegateHandler as a new module) Implement a DelegateHandler as a new module
[#58](Implement a ZipExtractHandler in the Expansion module) Implement a ZipExtractHandler in the Expansion module
[#57](Adapt Hook to be able to fire after/before original request) Adapt Hook to be able to fire after/before original request
[#56](Overflow when setting high expiration time) Overflow when setting high expiration time
QueueProcessor does not check for locked queues anymore, since vertx-redisques release v2.2.3 does not notify consumers with locked queues.
When using this release of gateleen, you have to use vertx-redisques release v2.2.3 or higher. If you use this gateleen release with a vertx-redisques release below v2.2.3, the QueueProcessor will process locked queues!