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Swagger Core Jersey 2.X Project Setup

Ron edited this page Feb 4, 2015 · 8 revisions

This page contains the required information to add Swagger to your Jersey 2.X application.

You can find additional information at our main set up page.

You need to complete the three steps in order to set up your application with Swagger:

  1. Adding the dependencies to your application
  2. Hooking up Swagger-Core in your Application
  3. Configure and Initialize Swagger

You can check out the sample application which is based on the package scanning configuration.

Adding the dependencies to your application

Check the change log to see information about the latest version and the changes from previous versions.

Use the following maven dependency:


If you use a version older than 1.3.4 (which you shouldn't), you need to add an explicit exclusion for the dependency to work properly:


The swagger-jersey2-jaxrs artifact pulls in a specific version of Jersey2. Maven's dependency management should resolve the version properly if you use an newer version, however in some cases you may be required to manually exclude it.

Hooking up Swagger-Core in your Application

  1. Using Jersey 2 container Servlet or Filter (with web.xml)
    1. Package scanning / Concrete class selection
    2. Using a custom Application subclass

Using Jersey 2 container Servlet or Filter (with web.xml)

You can set Jersey 2's ServletContainer as either a servlet or a filter.

Package scanning / Concrete class selection

In both cases, you can use <init-param/> to set which packages or classes Jersey should scan/load when it starts. This is where you'd define your own packages and/or classes.

To hook Swagger into your application, you need to add the some of Swagger's packages and classes.

If you're defining it as a servlet:



And if as a filter:



A few things to note:

  1. The init-param jersey.config.server.provider.classnames can obviously contain your own classes.
  2. {your.application.packages} should be replaced by the package(s) of your application.
  3. The mapping of either servlet or filter depends on your own needs. The above is just an example.

Using a custom Application subclass

When using a custom Application subclass, you would need to add swagger-core's providers to the set up process. For example:

public class SampleApplication extends Application {
    public Set<Class<?>> getClasses() {
        Set<Class<?>> resources = new HashSet();



        return resources;

The commented part is where you'd add your own application's resources and providers.

Configure and Initialize Swagger

  1. Using Swagger's Servlet in the web.xml
  2. Using Swagger's BeanConfig
    1. Using a Servlet
    2. Using the Application class

Using Swagger's Servlet in the web.xml

Swagger offers a simple Servlet that can be used to initialize it.

Add the following snippet to your web.xml:


A few things to note:

  1. The api.version should reflect the version of your own API.
  2. swagger.api.basepath should point to the context root of your API. This defers from server to server and how you configured your JAX-RS application.
  3. There's no <servlet-mapping> for this servlet as it is only used for initialization and doesn't actually expose any interface.

Using Swagger's BeanConfig

Swagger's BeanConfig class allows you to set various properties for Swagger's initialization.

Method Property Name Purpose
setTitle(String) title Sets the title of the application.
setDescription(String) description Sets the description of the application.
setTermsOfServiceUrl(String) termsOfServiceUrl Sets the URL of the application's Terms of Service.
setContact(String) contact Sets the contact information for the application.
setLicense(String) license Sets the license of the application.
setLicenseUrl(String) licenseUrl Sets the licesne url of the application.
setVersion(String) version Sets the version of the API.
setBasePath(String) basePath Sets the basePath for the API calls.
setApiReader(String) apiReader Sets an API Reader class for Swagger.
setFilterClass(Sting) filterClass Sets a security filter for Swagger's documentation.
setResourcePackage(String) resourcePackage Sets which package(s) Swagger should scan to pick up resources. If there's more than one package, it can be a list of comma-separated packages.
setScan(boolean) scan When set to true, Swagger will build the documentation.

In order for the Swagger to operate properly, you must set the base path of the application.

In order for Swagger to actually produce the documentation, you must setScan(true).

The BeanConfig should be called when your application starts up. The two common use cases are either using a Servlet or the Application class if you're already using one. Otherwise, any other method you use at your application's initialization could work.

  1. Using a Servlet
  2. Using the Application class

Using a Servlet

A sample servlet would be:

package io.swagger.api.util;

import javax.servlet.ServletConfig;
import javax.servlet.ServletException;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet;

public class Bootstrap extends HttpServlet {
    public void init(ServletConfig config) throws ServletException {

        BeanConfig beanConfig = new BeanConfig();

And adding the following snippet to the web.xml will ensure the initialization of Swagger:


There's no need for a URL mapping for this servlet as it is only used to initialize the application.

Using the Application class

If you're already using an Application class to configure your JAX-RS application, you can use its constructor to set up Swagger:

public class SampleApplication extends Application {

    public SampleApplication() {
        BeanConfig beanConfig = new BeanConfig();

    public Set<Class<?>> getClasses() {
        // set your resources here
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