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Contents of Readme

  1. About
  2. Brief information about Pmod HYGRO
  3. Modules
  4. Interface Description
  5. Utilization
  6. Simulation
  7. Test
  8. Status Information
  9. Issues
  10. Licence


Simple interface for the Digilent Pmod HYGRO. This interface uses simplified version of my i²c master module.

Brief information about Pmod HYGRO

The Digilent Pmod HYGRO contains a Texas Instruments HDC1080 digital humidity and temperature sensor. Module communicates with the host board via I²C protocol.


Two modules were implemented. Module hygro_lite can be used to gather sensor readings using default configurations. In module hygro, sensor configurations can be changed. Both modules use same ports, hygro having more ports to control configurations.

Interface Description

This interface can be used to gather data from Pmod HYGRO (or any other HDC1080) easily.


Port Type Width Description
clk I 1 System Clock
rst I 1 System Reset
i2c_2clk I 1 I²C clock Source (max. 800 kHz)
measure I 1 Initiate a new measurement
newData O 1 Pulse to indicate new data available
i2c_busy O 1 I²C Bus is busy
dataUpdating O 1 Data registers are being updated
sensNR O 1 Sensor is not responding
tem O 14 Most recent temperature reading
hum O 14 Most recent humidity reading
SCL O 1 I²C clock
SDA IO 1 I²C data

I: Input O: Output


Port Type Width Description
clk I 1 System Clock
rst I 1 System Reset
i2c_2clk I 1 I²C clock Source (max. 800 kHz)
measureT I 1 Initiate a new Temperature measurement
measureH I 1 Initiate a new Humidity measurement
newData O 1 Pulse to indicate new data available
dataUpdating O 1 Data registers are being updated
sensNR O 1 Sensor is not responding
tem O 14 Most recent temperature reading
hum O 14 Most recent humidity reading
SCL* IO 1 I²C clock
SDA* IO 1 I²C data
heater I 1 Heater
acMode I 1 Acquisition Mode
TRes I 1 Temperature Measurement Resolution
HRes I 2 Humidity Measurement Resolution
swRst I 1 Software Reset

I: Input O: Output

* contain pins _i, _o and _t

I²C clock source, i2c_2clk, should be generated externally. Module clockGen_i2c can be used to generate 781,25 kHz I²C clock source (390,62 kHz I²C clock).

(Synthesized) Utilization

On Artix-7

Module Slice LUTs as Logic Slice Registers as FF Slice Registers as Latch
hygro_lite 50 55 1
hygro 62 69 0
clockGen_i2c 7 7 0


Module hygro is simulated in fullsim.v. SCL connected to pullup and SDA connected to pulldown.



Module hygro_lite is tested on Digilent Basys 3 with test_board.v and Basys3_lite.xdc. Right button used to initiate new measurement. Measurement results with 2 extra 0s at LSBs shown on seven segment displays. Rightmost switch used to switch between temperature and humidity reading. Pmod HYGRO connected to upper JB and; newData, i2c_busy and dataUpdating signals connected to JA. sensNR signal connected to rightmost LED. I²C, newData, i2c_busy and dataUpdating signals are monitored with Digital Discovery.


Module hygro is tested on Digilent Basys 3 with testboard_full.v and Basys3_full.xdc. Right and left buttons used to initiate new Temperature/Humidity measurements. Upper button does software reset. Leftmost switches are used for configurations. Rightmost switch used to switch between temperature and humidity reading. Pmod HYGRO connected to upper JB and; newData and dataUpdating signals connected to JA. sensNR signal connected to rightmost LED. I²C signals are monitored with Digital Discovery.

Status Information

Last test of hygro_lite: 2 January 2021, on Digilent Basys 3.

Last simulation of hygro: 3 Fabruary 2021, with Vivado Simulator.

Last test of hygro: 3 Fabruary 2021, on Digilent Basys 3.


  • In hygro: Changing measurement resolutions doesn't seem to work, even though I²C transmission looks correct.


CERN Open Hardware Licence Version 2 - Weakly Reciprocal