If you'd like to be added to the system or if you are already in the system, but you'd like to improve your listing, read this page and then send a pull-request.
Each person has a file in the data/people
direcotry. The name of the file
is derived from the full name of the person in lower case. Words are separated by dashes.
(Feel free to use all the parts of your name. (e.g. we have angel-diaz-maroto-alvarez.txt or anselm-r-garbe.txt)
On the web site people can be found on this page: https://codeandtalk.com/people or linked from videos and podcasts.
The fields that we try to collect are as follows:
name: Full name
twitter: Just the username
github: Just the username
home: URL of the home page
country: Actually city, state, country
topics: A comma separated list of topics. (e.g. perl, python, docker, devops, test automation, virtualization )
Some of the files have additional fields inherited from an earlier system. For now we keep them, but don't encourage them:
nickname: (e.g. szabgab )
gplus: (e.g. 102810219707784087582 )
After all the fields osome files have an entry
followed by HTML.
Sample source file and result.
If the person does not have one of twitter/github/home then we put a - as the value to indicate that. No value, or no field means we never tried to look for those values.
Required fields: 'name'.
We'll figure this out when we encounter it.
In case we have two files for the same person (due to a typo, or different spelling in different places)
we have to decide which one do we want to use and in the other one we can add a redirect
keyword with the
canonical filename as a value.
Eg. "Tina Müller" is sometimes spelled as "Tina Mueller" and sometimes as "Tine Muller"
source file and
Having the old file redirecting to the new is both the right thing to do for the web, but it will also help avoiding the return of typos. When we encounter the "wrong" spelling" again we can easily find the "correct" one.
For people who change their names we might actully want to add a separate page for both names with a clear indication what is the current name. (Especially if the name change also involved gender change.) We should probably also ask the person involved.
The script checking for valid person/file should probably disregard the redirections. Or maybe not. So we can display the old name of a person on a talk where the old name was still in use.