This class reads in a simple BMP image returning a multi-dimensional array of RGB values ideal for displaying with an array of Neopixels.
Copy lib/ to the /lib directory on your Circuit/MicroPython device.
>>> from bmp_reader import BMPReader
>>> img = BMPReader('image.bmp')
>>> img.width
>>> img.height
>>> pixels = img.get_pixels()
>>> pixels[0][0] # top-left
(255, 0, 0)
>>> pixels[7][7] # bottom-right
(0, 255, 255)
For a more complete example displaying the image on an 8x8 Neopixel display, see
This reader only understands very basic aspects of the BMP format. The library supports images with 24-bit colour depth and no compression. The example image.bmp file was created in GIMP.