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The unofficial MobilePay Go client library.

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$ go get -u

Then, reference mobilepay-go in a Go program with import:

import (


Below are a few simple examples:

Initialize a Mobilepay client

cfg := &mobilepay.Config{
    HTTPClient: nil,
    Logger:     nil,
    URL:        mobilepay.DefaultBaseURL,

mp := mobilepay.New("client_id", "api_key", cfg)

The config properties allows you to use custom configured values if you would like. Otherwise the client will fall back to use a default value.

E.g. you might want to use a HTTP client that automatically retries request if a server error occurs. /~

The library will default to the production base URL if not set. You can use the constants defined by the mobilepay package if you would like to try out the sandbox environment (highly recommended). Use either the mobilepay.DefaultBaseURL or mobilepay.TestBaseUrl.

All the examples below will use the reference mp as a reference to the client.


Get all payments

opts := mobilepay.ListOptions{
    PageSize:   10,
    PageNumber: 1,

ctx := context.TODO()

payments, err := mp.Payment.Get(ctx, opts)

Get single payment details

ctx := context.TODO()

payment, err := mp.Payment.Find(ctx, "payment_id")

Create payment

params := &mobilepay.PaymentParams{
    Amount:         1050,
    IdempotencyKey: "223dbe4e-2d3b-4484-b870-6c86cff2c07b",
    PaymentPointId: "8f8ed17f-f310-4f40-a7a4-df78185efbdd",
    RedirectUri:    "myapp://redirect",
    Reference:      "payment-1",
    Description:    "test payment #1",

ctx := context.TODO()

payment, err := mp.Payment.Create(ctx, params)

Capture payment

ctx := context.TODO()

err := mp.Payment.Capture(ctx, "payment_id", 1050)

The amount is specified as an integer and is in cents which in danish terms is 'ører'.

Cancel payment

ctx := context.TODO()

err := mp.Payment.Cancel(ctx, "payment_id")

List payment refunds

opts := &mobilepay.RefundsListOptions{
    ListOptions: mobilepay.ListOptions{
        PageSize:   10,
        PageNumber: 1,
    PaymentId:      "payment_id",
    PaymentPointId: "payment_point_id",
    CreatedBefore:  "2020-01-02T15:04",
    CreatedAfter:   "2021-01-02T15:04",

ctx := context.TODO()

err := mp.Payment.Refunds(ctx, opts)

Create payment refund

params := &mobilepay.PaymentRefundParams{
    PaymentId:      "223dbe4e-2d3b-4484-b870-6c86cff2c07b",
    Amount:         550
    IdempotencyKey: "223dbe4e-2d3b-4484-b870-6c86cff2c07b",
    Reference:      "payment-1",
    Description:    "this is a test payment",

ctx := context.TODO()

err := mp.Payment.Refunds(ctx, params)


Get single webhook

ctx := context.TODO()

webhook, err := mp.Webhook.Find(ctx, "webhook_id")

Get all merchant's webhooks

ctx := context.TODO()

webhooks, err := mp.Webhook.Get(ctx)

Create webhook

ctx := context.TODO()

// configure these events to match your needs.
events := []mobilepay.WebhookEvent{

// change the base url accordingly
params := &mobilepay.WebhookCreateParams{
    Events: events,
    Url:    "",

webhook, err := mp.Webhook.Create(ctx, params)

Update webhook

ctx := context.TODO()

events := []mobilepay.WebhookEvent{

params := &mobilepay.WebhookUpdateParams{
    Events: events,
    Url:    "",

webhook, err := mp.Webhook.Update(ctx, "webhook_id", params)

Delete webhook

ctx := context.TODO()

err := mp.Webhook.Delete(ctx, "webhook_id")

Verifying webhooks

This library comes with a built in webhook verifier that you can use ensure webhooks was sent by MobilePay.

The example below illustrates how you can verify incoming MobilePay webhooks using the standard library but this verifier could be used with any of the major router libraries out there.

func main() {
    mux := http.NewServeMux()
    successHandler := http.HandlerFunc(mobilepaySuccesHandler)
    mux.Handle("/mobilepay/webhooks", mobilepayWebhooks(successHandler, "webhook_url", "webhook_signature_key"))

// middleware to verify webhook was sent by MobilePay.
func mobilepayWebhooks(next http.Handler, webhookUrl, webhookSignature string) http.Handler {
    return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
        verifier, err := mobilepay.NewWebhooksVerifier(r.Header, webhookUrl, webhookSignature)
        if err != nil {
            // handle error
        body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(r.Body)
        if err != nil {
        // rewind the body
        r.Body = ioutil.NopCloser(bytes.NewBuffer(body))
        _, err = verifier.Write(body)
        if err != nil {
            // handle error
        err = verifier.Ensure()
        if err != nil {
            // could not verify mobilepay signature.
        // Signature is OK.
        // Go to next handler in the call stack (mobilepaySuccesHandler)
        next.ServeHTTP(w, r)

func mobilepaySuccesHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    w.Write([]byte("Webhook OK"))


You are more than welcome to contribute to this project. Fork and make a Pull Request, or create an Issue if you see any problem.

MobilePay documentation
