Onyxia is distributed as a Helm Package.
⬆️ Migrating from an older version? Checkout the migration guides
The links in this README are automatically updated.
You can trust that they'll point to the correct references for this specific version.
These instructions are just the gist for a comprehensive, step-by-step, installation guide please refer to the installation guide.
helm repo add onyxia https://InseeFrLab.github.io/onyxia
cat << EOF > ./onyxia-values.yaml
enabled: true
- host: datalab.my-domain.net
helm install onyxia onyxia/onyxia --version "10.3.1" -f onyxia-values.yaml
If you use Keycloak as OIDC provider you can use the Onyxia theme.
When you update Onyxia, don't forget to also update the Keycloak theme.
helm repo add codecentric https://codecentric.github.io/helm-charts
cat << EOF > ./keycloak-values.yaml
# ... See https://docs.onyxia.sh/#enabling-user-authentication
extraInitContainers: |
- name: realm-ext-provider
image: curlimages/curl
imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
- sh
- -c
- |
curl -L -f -S -o /extensions/onyxia.jar /~https://github.com/InseeFrLab/onyxia/releases/download/v10.3.1/keycloak-theme.jar
- name: extensions
mountPath: /extensions
extraVolumeMounts: |
- name: extensions
mountPath: /opt/jboss/keycloak/standalone/deployments
extraVolumes: |
- name: extensions
emptyDir: {}
# ...
helm install keycloak codecentric/keycloak -f keycloak-values.yaml
After that, you should be able to select onyxia as Login Theme.
NOTE: You can enable the theme at the realm level or at the onyxia client level.
Documentation reference for the available configuration parameter of the Onyxia Helm Chart.
Below is a sample onyxia-values.yaml
file that illustrates where to specify the api
and web
configuration parameters.
enabled: true
- host: datalab.yourdomain.com
+ env:
+ HEADER_LOGO=https://example.com/logo.svg
+ HEADER_TEXT_BOLD=Your organization
+ {
+ en: "https://sspcloud.fr/tos_en.md",
+ fr: "https://sspcloud.fr/tos_fr.md",
+ }
+ env:
+ authentication.mode: openidconnect
+ oidc.issuer-uri: "https://auth.lab.my-domain.net/auth/realms/datalab"
+ oidc.clientID: "onyxia"
+ regions:
+ [
+ {
+ "id":"demo",
+ "name":"Demo",
+ # ...
If you are building your own service catalog for Onyxia (learn how).
Here are defined the onyxia reserved parameter and the structure of the dynamic context: