diff --git a/src/omaloon/type/FilterWeapon.java b/src/omaloon/type/FilterWeapon.java
index 92a94973..183ec58a 100644
--- a/src/omaloon/type/FilterWeapon.java
+++ b/src/omaloon/type/FilterWeapon.java
@@ -2,7 +2,9 @@
import arc.*;
import arc.func.*;
+import arc.graphics.*;
import arc.graphics.g2d.*;
+import arc.math.*;
import arc.scene.ui.layout.*;
import arc.struct.*;
import arc.util.*;
@@ -15,58 +17,96 @@
import mindustry.world.meta.*;
- * a weapon that shoots different things depending on things in a unit
+ * A weapon that shoots different things depending on things in a unit
+ *
+ * There is a better way to do this i'm sure, but there's just one weapon like this in the entire mod, so i won't bother
+ * @author Liz
-public class FilterWeapon extends Weapon{
- /**
- * separate from bulletFilter for stats
- */
- public BulletType[] bullets = new BulletType[]{Bullets.placeholder};
- public Func bulletFilter = unit -> bullets[0];
- // TODO i don't know how to make those icons work, and i have no clue as to why it is casting a string to BulletType
- public TextureRegion[] iconRegions;
- public String[] icons = new String[]{""};
- @Override
- public void addStats(UnitType u, Table t){
- if(inaccuracy > 0){
- t.row();
- t.add("[lightgray]" + Stat.inaccuracy.localized() + ": [white]" + (int)inaccuracy + " " + StatUnit.degrees.localized());
- }
- if(!alwaysContinuous && reload > 0){
- t.row();
- t.add("[lightgray]" + Stat.reload.localized() + ": " + (mirror ? "2x " : "") + "[white]" + Strings.autoFixed(60f / reload * shoot.shots, 2) + " " + StatUnit.perSecond.localized());
- }
- t.row();
- t.table(Styles.grayPanel, weapon -> {
- for(int i = 0; i < bullets.length; i++){
- int finalI = i;
- weapon.table(Tex.underline, b -> {
- b.left();
- if(iconRegions[finalI].found()) b.image(iconRegions[finalI]).padRight(10).center();
- StatValues.ammo(ObjectMap.of(u, bullets[finalI])).display(b.add(new Table()).get());
- }).growX().row();
- }
- }).margin(10f);
- }
- @Override
- public void load(){
- super.load();
- iconRegions = new TextureRegion[bullets.length];
- for(int i = 0; i < iconRegions.length; i++){
- if(i < icons.length){
- iconRegions[i] = Core.atlas.find(icons[i]);
- }else{
- iconRegions[i] = Core.atlas.find("error");
- }
- }
- }
- @Override
- protected void shoot(Unit unit, WeaponMount mount, float shootX, float shootY, float rotation){
- bullet = bulletFilter.get(unit);
- super.shoot(unit, mount, shootX, shootY, rotation);
- }
+public class FilterWeapon extends Weapon {
+ /**
+ * separate from bulletFilter for stats
+ */
+ public BulletType[] bullets = new BulletType[]{Bullets.placeholder};
+ public Func bulletFilter = unit -> bullets[0];
+ public Func tint = unit -> Color.white;
+ public String[] icons = new String[]{""};
+ public TextureRegion liquidRegion;
+ public TextureRegion[] iconRegions;
+ @Override
+ public void addStats(UnitType u, Table t) {
+ if (inaccuracy > 0) {
+ t.row();
+ t.add("[lightgray]" + Stat.inaccuracy.localized() + ": [white]" + (int) inaccuracy + " " + StatUnit.degrees.localized());
+ }
+ if (!alwaysContinuous && reload > 0) {
+ t.row();
+ t.add("[lightgray]" + Stat.reload.localized() + ": " + (mirror ? "2x " : "") + "[white]" + Strings.autoFixed(60f / reload * shoot.shots, 2) + " " + StatUnit.perSecond.localized());
+ }
+ t.row();
+ t.table(Styles.grayPanel, weapon -> {
+ for (int i = 0; i < bullets.length; i++) {
+ int finalI = i;
+ weapon.table(Tex.underline, b -> {
+ b.left();
+ if (iconRegions[finalI].found()) b.image(iconRegions[finalI]).padRight(10).center();
+ StatValues.ammo(ObjectMap.of(u, bullets[finalI])).display(b.add(new Table()).get());
+ }).growX().row();
+ }
+ }).margin(10f);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void draw(Unit unit, WeaponMount mount) {
+ super.draw(unit, mount);
+ float z = Draw.z();
+ Draw.z(z + layerOffset);
+ float
+ rotation = unit.rotation - 90,
+ realRecoil = Mathf.pow(mount.recoil, recoilPow) * recoil,
+ weaponRotation = rotation + (rotate ? mount.rotation : baseRotation),
+ wx = unit.x + Angles.trnsx(rotation, x, y) + Angles.trnsx(weaponRotation, 0, -realRecoil),
+ wy = unit.y + Angles.trnsy(rotation, x, y) + Angles.trnsy(weaponRotation, 0, -realRecoil);
+ if (liquidRegion.found()) {
+ Draw.color(tint.get(unit));
+ Draw.rect(liquidRegion, wx, wy, weaponRotation);
+ }
+ Draw.z(z);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void init() {
+ super.init();
+ for (BulletType bullet : bullets) bullet.init();
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void load() {
+ super.load();
+ for (BulletType bullet : bullets) bullet.load();
+ liquidRegion = Core.atlas.find(name + "-liquid");
+ iconRegions = new TextureRegion[bullets.length];
+ for (int i = 0; i < iconRegions.length; i++) {
+ if (i < icons.length) {
+ iconRegions[i] = Core.atlas.find(icons[i]);
+ } else {
+ iconRegions[i] = Core.atlas.find("error");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ protected void shoot(Unit unit, WeaponMount mount, float shootX, float shootY, float rotation) {
+ bullet = bulletFilter.get(unit);
+ super.shoot(unit, mount, shootX, shootY, rotation);
+ }