All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
1.9.2 (2024-07-22)
- template heirarchy broken in some cases when there are no results. (4344a5f)
1.9.1 (2024-03-26)
1.9.0 (2024-03-25)
- add gamajo template loader, add separate featured works template (0b30ea0)
- add fields list to readme (59c29e9)
- fix error with logging (3b2f35f)
- fix issues with logging (5f3c889)
- fix php error, add comments (4356439)
- fix plugin exists error (418c3d0)
- fix typo in common filename (b185369)
- range of times w/ same date should use base date format (usually w/ year) "July 4, 2019 - 3pm–5pm" (acbd3c6)
1.8.0 (2023-08-21)
- support WP All Import events (a5f45bd)
- add after title hook (1c05604)
- add central generate buttons function (f51d77c)
- add event page title filters (788ee48)
- add filter for year archive upcoming link (22cb231)
- add filter to image on single event pages (d0d4f64)
- add new hooks and update event preview template (ddfc407)
- date range defaults are flipped from what they should be (a301ffb)
1.7.4 (2023-08-04)
- date range defaults are flipped from what they should be (8f15b80)
- detect new versions of squarecandy-acf-works plugin (603d81b)
1.7.3 (2023-01-27)
1.7.2 (2022-12-14)
- conflict in rest_base slug throws errors in WP CLI (a11fb69)
- fix php warnings in data-cleanup.php (406f6ae)
1.7.1 (2022-10-27)
- add "back to" footer to events single display to match other plugins, but hide by default (e2900a3)
- add default date formats to avoid errors when plugin first activated (f8aa0a1)
- add sortable event start_date column to admin list view (eeb6912)
- don't make an empty map link (cc3590d)
- fix issue with fatal data cleanup error when start_time not set, convert start_time from timestamp to G:i:s (6643a83)
- use address fields to populate map link if google map field is empty (b2f4274)
- variable name issue (73d9fd1)
1.7.0 (2022-05-20)
- sync work categories to events (5c8eafa)
- add both squarecandy users (26b5144)
- sync categories on inline edit of works (d815437)
- update version in only one place in functions.php (fb9c11f)
1.6.1 (2022-03-03)
- add option to change event category order (b48c1c0)
1.6.0 (2022-01-14)
- add option to event catagory page to show all events or upcoming events (9f6f528)
- add ability to reverse order on all events listing (f0a51a2)
- add label for category page display acf field (8ed070f)
- make event category option conditional & tidy up events setting layout (77beb11)
1.5.0 (2021-12-17)
- ACF 5.11.1 compatibility (f74eb85)
- ACF 5.11.1 compatibility (a707f1c)
- ACF 5.11.1 compatibility (6ec03b6)
- add another filter hook preview_before_title (a1c6860)
- add classes for upcoming and year archives (796750c)
- apply
around no events message (a9843fe) - avoid multiple date meta_query (ab13316)
- display short_description if post_content is empty (3f545fd)
- don't display comma in event location if only country is set (a59a63e)
- reinstate posts_per_page att (6469371)
- reinstate shortcodes in no_events_text (4dae748)
- remove old style admin columns hard coded set (040fd9f)
1.4.0 (2021-01-29)
- add active class to year nav (d50caac)
- add hook to single display (1492c4e)
- add nonce check to ajax (d2f5559)
- cleanup non-existing variable (1138743)
- create simpler sorting with hidden meta data (6b5a4ab)
- force the database update again, with js cachebuster (24eba8f)
- put the year nav menu at bottom of archive (0e3b46b)
- remove debug data from bulk update progress bar (7359311)
- separate transients for year list and bulk update (214de85)
- single view, highlight year in year nav (0e71cdb)
- spacing in "Featured Works" (68c239d)
- use class_exists instead of custom is_plugin_active (c5d5920)
1.3.0 (2020-08-31)
- add custom end date validation (52de70c)
- introduce a new archive_date hidden field (20b17dd)
- Revamp CI system and run all new linting in line with WordPress Standards
- accordion archive fixes (d21d4cb)
- active plugin check function broken (adff3dc)
- admin columns pro settings not loading (c3509fe)
- end date validation error appears repeatedly (7731299)
- style fix for event preview (c48dd0a)
- add even more shortcode query options
- fix query ordering issues
- better ACF field filtering
- link works reference field if squarecandy-acf-works is enabled
- add filtering for post type supports parameter
- hide map fields if no Google API key is entered
- add featured events filter options
- fix bug where end date data persists if end date/time checkbox is off
- start code cleanup
- "All" type no longer grouped by Year
- Add option for images in preview
- Add "all" display type
- Update examples
- Add Optional Events Categories
- Add better support for more unusual combos of start date / end date / start time / end time. (Helps with imported data that might not get the "All Day" or "Show End Date" context right)
- Clean up options screen
- Start Tagging Releases
- Testing if the upgrade system works in the WordPress UI
- Add updating capacity through the WordPress UI via GitHub
- Initial Plugin built out of several older events projects