Defines the fields included in the request body for the SearchCustomers endpoint.
Name | Getter | Setter | Type | Description | Notes |
cursor | getCursor() | setCursor($value) | string | Include the pagination cursor in subsequent calls to this endpoint to retrieve the next set of results associated with the original query. See the Pagination guide for more information. | [optional] |
limit | getLimit() | setLimit($value) | int | A limit on the number of results to be returned in a single page. The limit is advisory - the implementation may return more or fewer results. If the supplied limit is negative, zero, or is higher than the maximum limit of 100, it will be ignored. | [optional] |
query | getQuery() | setQuery($value) | \SquareConnect\Model\CustomerQuery | Query customers based on the given conditions and sort order. Calling SearchCustomers without an explicit query parameter will return all customers ordered alphabetically based on `given_name` and `family_name`. | [optional] |
Note: All properties are protected and only accessed via getters and setters.