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31 lines (25 loc) · 5.97 KB

File metadata and controls

31 lines (25 loc) · 5.97 KB



Represents a line item in an order. Each line item describes a different product to purchase, with its own quantity and price details.


Name Getter Setter Type Description Notes
uid getUid() setUid($value) string Unique ID that identifies the line item only within this order. [optional] [beta]
name getName() setName($value) string The name of the line item. [optional]
quantity getQuantity() setQuantity($value) string The quantity purchased, formatted as a decimal number. For example: `"3"`. Line items with a `quantity_unit` can have non-integer quantities. For example: `"1.70000"`.
quantity_unit getQuantityUnit() setQuantityUnit($value) \SquareConnect\Model\OrderQuantityUnit The unit and precision that this line item's quantity is measured in. [optional]
note getNote() setNote($value) string The note of the line item. [optional]
catalog_object_id getCatalogObjectId() setCatalogObjectId($value) string The `CatalogItemVariation` id applied to this line item. [optional]
variation_name getVariationName() setVariationName($value) string The name of the variation applied to this line item. [optional]
metadata getMetadata() setMetadata($value) map[string,string] Application-defined data attached to this line item. Metadata fields are intended to store descriptive references or associations with an entity in another system or store brief information about the object. Square does not process this field; it only stores and returns it in relevant API calls. Do not use metadata to store any sensitive information (personally identifiable information, card details, etc.). Keys written by applications must be 60 characters or less and must be in the character set `[a-zA-Z0-9_-]`. Entries may also include metadata generated by Square. These keys are prefixed with a namespace, separated from the key with a ':' character. Values have a max length of 255 characters. An application may have up to 10 entries per metadata field. Entries written by applications are private and can only be read or modified by the same application. See Metadata for more information. [optional] [beta]
modifiers getModifiers() setModifiers($value) \SquareConnect\Model\OrderLineItemModifier[] The `CatalogModifier`s applied to this line item. [optional]
applied_taxes getAppliedTaxes() setAppliedTaxes($value) \SquareConnect\Model\OrderLineItemAppliedTax[] The list of references to taxes applied to this line item. Each `OrderLineItemAppliedTax` has a `tax_uid` that references the `uid` of a top-level `OrderLineItemTax` applied to the line item. On reads, the amount applied is populated. An `OrderLineItemAppliedTax` will be automatically created on every line item for all `ORDER` scoped taxes added to the order. `OrderLineItemAppliedTax` records for `LINE_ITEM` scoped taxes must be added in requests for the tax to apply to any line items. To change the amount of a tax, modify the referenced top-level tax. [optional] [beta]
applied_discounts getAppliedDiscounts() setAppliedDiscounts($value) \SquareConnect\Model\OrderLineItemAppliedDiscount[] The list of references to discounts applied to this line item. Each `OrderLineItemAppliedDiscount` has a `discount_uid` that references the `uid` of a top-level `OrderLineItemDiscounts` applied to the line item. On reads, the amount applied is populated. An `OrderLineItemAppliedDiscount` will be automatically created on every line item for all `ORDER` scoped discounts that are added to the order. `OrderLineItemAppliedDiscount` records for `LINE_ITEM` scoped discounts must be added in requests for the discount to apply to any line items. To change the amount of a discount, modify the referenced top-level discount. [optional] [beta]
base_price_money getBasePriceMoney() setBasePriceMoney($value) \SquareConnect\Model\Money The base price for a single unit of the line item. [optional]
variation_total_price_money getVariationTotalPriceMoney() setVariationTotalPriceMoney($value) \SquareConnect\Model\Money The total price of all item variations sold in this line item. Calculated as `base_price_money` multiplied by `quantity`. Does not include modifiers. [optional]
gross_sales_money getGrossSalesMoney() setGrossSalesMoney($value) \SquareConnect\Model\Money The amount of money made in gross sales for this line item. Calculated as the sum of the variation's total price and each modifier's total price. [optional]
total_tax_money getTotalTaxMoney() setTotalTaxMoney($value) \SquareConnect\Model\Money The total tax amount of money to collect for the line item. [optional]
total_discount_money getTotalDiscountMoney() setTotalDiscountMoney($value) \SquareConnect\Model\Money The total discount amount of money to collect for the line item. [optional]
total_money getTotalMoney() setTotalMoney($value) \SquareConnect\Model\Money The total amount of money to collect for this line item. [optional]

Note: All properties are protected and only accessed via getters and setters.

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