Additional settings:
Maximum number of random letters to generate
Alphabet bank for generating letters
British vs American English
Additional features:
Hash generation
Redesigned UI (again)
Keyboard shortcuts
One single argument text box for all functions (see help.txt for a list of commands and their arguments)
Better Unicode support
Unicode character picker (implementing Fabien Barbier's UnicodeInformation .NET library - see /~
Localization support
Apply functions to selection rather than all text
Text styling
IPA entry
Removed features:
Garble (useless)
Anagram folded into Shuffle (simpler)
Minor changes:
Increased default size of random letters in memory to 512 MB (assuming 1 char = 1 byte)
Added extra comments to code
Code simplifications/optimizations
Organized code
Allow specific indexing for letter removal
Upgraded to .NET 4.7 from 4.5.2
Various bugfixes
Settings dialog fix
Color setting for status strip
Fixed bug in Shuffle and Swap
Increased efficiency and decreased memory taken up by Sort
Fixed extremely inefficient subtraction process
UI overhaul
Added settings window and UI color & font customization
Main text box now uses RTF in order to support coloring for regex and find
Restriction added on Add Random Letters so that you can't generate more than 100 MB of random letters at a time.
New functions:
Sort alphabetically & numerically, list based on chosen character
Shuffle a list of words, numbers, or anything
Reverse list
Find (regex supported!)
Experimental revert: undo last function performed (different from basic undo)
More accurate word and paragraph count
Controls now scale to fit form
Auto-indent bug fixed
New icon
New functions:
Reverse order
Fixed Add Random Letters bug
Initial release