To add a new cipher registration capability, e.g. when NIST announced a new cipher is testable with ACVP, the following steps must be taken:
Create a new definition_cipher_<cipher_name>.h that contains the data structure definition holding all information required for the registration and defined by the SPEC.
Add the new definition_cipher_<cipher_name>.h to definition.h.
In definition.h, do:
a. enhance enum def_algo_type by a new type
b. enhance union algo by referring to the root data structure for your new algorithm definition in definition_cipher_<cipher_name>.h
Create a new requests/<cipher_name>.c that creates the registration JSON structure. This C file must contain function implementations following these prototypes:
a. Generate the JSON structure:
int acvp_req_set_algo_<name>(const struct <root_data_structure> *, struct json_object *entry) The variable entry is filled by the function using the data from struct <root_data_structure>.
b. Fill the data structure used to provide a high-level list of the cipher configuration for --list-cipher-options
int acvp_list_algo_<name>(const struct <root_data_structure> *, struct acvp_list_ciphers **new) The variable new is filled by the function using the data from struct <root_data_structure>.
c. Create the JSON structure listing the prerequisites:
int acvp_req_set_prereq_<name>(cconst struct <root_data_structure> *, const struct acvp_test_deps *deps, struct json_object *entry, bool publish) The variable entry is filled by the function using the data from struct <root_data_structure>. The variables deps and publish should be used when calling acvp_req_gen_prereq at the end of this function.
Register the three created functions from step 4 in:
a. internal.h
b. add acvp_req_set_prereq_ to acvp_publish_prereqs
c. add acvp_list_algo_ to acvp_list_cipher_gatherer
d. add acvp_req_set_algo_ to acvp_req_set_algo
After these changes, you can create new registration definitions for your IUT in lib/module_implementations/ using the new registration capability.
Stephan Müller