Networking plugin for Bevy engine running on naia-socket and turbulence libraries.
Combination of naia-socket and turbulence allows for exchange of raw messages over UDP or UDP-like connection (over WebRTC), or building unreliable/reliable channels of structured messages over such UDP/UDP-like messages.
This plugin works both in native (Linux, Windows, MacOS) over UDP packets and in Browser/WASM over UDP-like messages in WebRTC channel.
Still unfinished, but main features are working. For details see Milestones.
On one terminal run:
$ env RUST_LOG=debug cargo run --example simple -- --server
On other terminal run:
$ env RUST_LOG=debug cargo run --example simple -- --client
Observe PING
exchange between server and client. You can run more clients in more terminals.
On one terminal run:
$ env RUST_LOG=debug cargo run --example simple --no-default-features --features use-webrtc -- --server
Change IP address in examples/
/ startup()
function to point to your local machine, and run:
$ cargo build --example simple --target wasm32-unknown-unknown --no-default-features --features use-webrtc
$ wasm-bindgen --out-dir target --target web target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/debug/examples/simple.wasm
Serve project directory over HTTP. For example (cargo install basic-http-server
$ basic-http-server .
Open and watch Browser's console in Developer Tools.
You will see the same PING
exchange as in the Native mode.
On one terminal run:
$ env RUST_LOG=debug cargo run --example channels --features use-udp,bevy/default -- --server
On second terminal run:
$ env RUST_LOG=warn cargo run --example channels --features use-udp,bevy/default -- --client
On third (and fourth, and more...) terminal run:
$ env RUST_LOG=warn cargo run --example channels --features use-udp,bevy/default -- --client
You can focus any of client windows and use Arrow-Left
cursor keys to change "ball" trajectory.
Observe your controlled ball gets synchronized to all other clients.
Due to additional dependencies required, we've decided to keep the browser based graphical channels example in a separate repository. See /~ project. It evolved a bit from the simple square balls example and may serve as a basis of your game.