- Explain NPM the package manager for node.
- Show npmjs.com
- Show how to install sails on the computer. sudo npm install -g sails
- Create a HelloWorld application with sails. Run it and show.
- Open and show the boiler plate code what was created along with the project creation. Also explain the dependency in the node_modules. Delete the node_moduels filder and try to added again and show with npm install.
- Start the SailsTodo application by moving the code to Initial Commit
- Explaing how to add the connection string for the DB
- Explain what is a Model and how it is linked with DB
- Adding an API. Try adding a sample API with sails (sails generate api Test) and show.
- Remove the newly added Test.js and TestController.js
- Add the API User api from git.
- Now we have added the MySQL connection and Model. But we dont have a library for NodeJS to understand how to talk to MySQL.
- Open config/connections.js and show the comment on how to add MySQL with npm.
- Do the same operations with the HelloWorld project and show how the node_modules are added and how it gets updated in the package.json file.
- Add the MySQL Dependency from git
- Run sails lift
- Explain the error and add the migrate alter
- Now run and show the error has gone
- Add atrributes to User model
- Explain each attributes
- Run and show how sails created a table for that model
- Explain about routes works and how controller works and get the code from git.
- Run sails lift and navigate to that location in browser
- Create a router to add a user and also write the controller for it. Explain the Syntax.
- Run sails lift
- Open Dev Http Client and try to add a user
- Open the DB and show thats its added
- Explain the frontend ejs how the home page is loaded. Show the page source
- Add a custom home page and show how it works.
- Explain about the layout injection and false it
- Added AngularJS code and bower. This is a long process to explain. Ask them are the willing to hear it.
- Todo CRUD operation backend
- Adding dummy list UI with sample JSON
- UI for adding task
- Add task HTTP request
- Fetch all task and display in list
- Update task status on checkbox click
- Fetch only the tasks which are incomplete
- Make the newer task first
- Automatically get all the tasks when a new task is added
- Remove annoying dialog and add toast
- Add a validation check when nothing is entered and pressed enter
- Show how to move the project to production with sails lift --prod
- Explain how it fails
- Explain the fix for the same
- Important topic. Moving to production.
- Show how the code looks in with and without --prod in view source
- Bonus adding a responsive design