Here are some general guidelines and expectations for the boot camp. Read the syllabus for a thorough explanation.
- It’s important to schedule the time you will need for the boot camp. Plan to spend about 20 to 30 hours a week total on the boot camp material.
- Adhering to the university’s Academic Honesty policy is required. All challenge assignments and projects are expected to be your or your group's original work.
- Complete and submit all module assignments, projects, and the final group project for full credit. You are allowed to miss no more than two Challenge assignments to receive full credit.
- Tutoring sessions are available through a request for a 50-minute one-on-one session. Please be specific in your learning support requests by including screenshots and the steps you took to attempt to solve the issues.
- Career Services supports becoming employer-competitive by providing you with support like professional resources in each module, workshop, and one-on-one coaching.
- Use respectful and encouraging language and tone when interacting with instructors, TAs, and classmates.
- The boot camp is designed to provide an accessible learning experience in accordance with the WCAG 2.0 standards. For additional assistance, please contact your PSM.
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