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Releases: simplesurance/baur


28 Feb 11:33
@fho fho
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  • docker: Fix that registry credentials were not found when the auth section in the docker config contained multiple entries and the registry host to which an image should be uploaded was not specified as an URL
  • binaries build with Golang 1.14


04 Feb 13:44
@fho fho
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  • cfg: the Build.Output.DockerImage.RegistryUpload section in the .app.toml files has a new field called registry. It allows to specify the Docker Registry to that the image will be uploaded. If it's not set the the default registry of the docker-agent is used, like before.
  • cfg: the repository field in the Build.Output.DockerImage.RegistryUpload can now contains slashes
  • cfg: config_version in the .baur.toml was incremented to 3, to update from the previous version, change it manually to 3
  • 3. party packages were updated
  • binaries were build with Golang 1.13.7
  • minor fixes to the docker and fs packages


10 May 09:50
@fho fho
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0.16.0 Pre-release
  • The [Build] section is now optional in .app.toml files. Applications are then listed by baur ls apps with the status Build Command Undefined builds can not be done.
  • Build Inputs and Outputs definitions can now be included.
    An example include file can be created with baur init include. An include file can contain a BuildInput and a BuildOutput section.
    Include files can be included in an .app.toml file by referencing their path in the includes field.
    See /~ for an example
  • The .app.toml file and all files that are referenced in the includes field are now automatically included as BuildInputs of an application.
  • The $APPNAME variable is additionally supported in the following fields of an .app.toml file:
    • Build.Output.File.Path
    • Build.Output.DockerImage.RegistryUpload.Repository
    • Build.Output.File.S3Upload.Bucket
    • Build.Output.DockerImage.idfile
  • The configuration file version was increased to 2. To update from an previous baur version set config_version to 2 in your .baur.toml file.


17 Apr 10:32
@fho fho
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0.15.0 Pre-release
  • fix: resolving GitFile BuildInput failed if filename contained unusual characters
  • fix: GitFile BuildInput paths containing globs were resolved by the shell, this caused that files that those paths resolved to files that were not tracked in the git repository
  • build output are now prefixed with the application name in baur build --verbose output
  • internal exec package refactored
  • libraries updated
  • binaries build with Go 1.12.4


25 Jan 10:32
@fho fho
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0.14 Pre-release
  • support for absolute paths in build inputs
  • appnames and paths that are passed as cmdline parameter are now deduplicated to ensure an operation is only run 1x per application


04 Dec 10:59
@fho fho
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0.13 Pre-release
  • rework baur verify console messages and fix that it didn't find issues
  • correct message that are printed when --force is passed to baur build` regarding which applications are build


30 Nov 11:18
@fho fho
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0.12 Pre-release
  • build status outstanding is renamed to pending
  • when GitFile Build Inputs can not be resolved the error message are more detailed and print which patterns did not match files
  • the "Duration" column in the baur show is renamed to Build Duration


20 Nov 14:06
@fho fho
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0.11.3 Pre-release
  • the gosource resolver is now determining the GOROOT by running go env GOROOT, if the GOROOT environment variable is not set
  • minor logging and usage output improvements


19 Nov 17:31
@fho fho
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0.11.2 Pre-release
  • improve gosource file resolving, prevent that stdlib packages were added as application sources in some circumstances
  • baur build output format improvements, the build ID is now printed for applications with build status Exist


19 Nov 11:57
@fho fho
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0.11.1 Pre-release
  • fix: "baur --version" shown "0.0.0" as version number
  • update go vendor libraries
  • storage: add missing NOT NULL and ON DELETE CASCADE statements