All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
0.6.0 (2021-03-09)
- add navigation with routing and create separate pages for dashboard, heroes and hero-detail components (#35) (6d8798b), closes #34
- deps: update dependency @types/jasmine to v3.6.6 (#22) (6b7299a)
- deps: update dependency jasmine-spec-reporter to v6 (#29) (8795681)
- deps: update dependency karma to v6.1.2 (#33) (89befd9)
- deps: update dependency ts-node to v8.10.2 (#23) (1b55af5)
- deps: update dependency ts-node to v9 (#32) (d43f315)
- renovate: add a assignee to Renovate Configuration (#37) (4958a45), closes #36
- renovate: add a reviewer to Renovate Configuration (#31) (1f6a695), closes #30
- renovate: change semanticCommitType from
(#25) (bef8e17), closes #24 - renovate: configure Renovate (#21) (99d81f1)
- renovate: fix Renovate Configuration (#27) (d2f4585), closes #25 #26
0.5.0 (2021-03-08)
- heroes: use hero service to fetch a hero list using the RxJS
function (#18) (5f1aba3), closes #17 - messages: display messages when fetching heroes as well as clicking on a hero name (#20) (a88fd26), closes #19
0.4.0 (2021-03-05)
- heroes, hero-detail: move the hero detail part of code to hero-detail component (#16) (8ddf1f2), closes #15