simple command-line utility to take screenshots on i3wm. can upload the screenshot to an image hosting service for easy sharing.
PS: it uploads to by default.
git clone /~
cd i3-screenshot
USAGE: ./i3scrot [TYPE] [OPTIONS]
--window -w -- capture a particular window.
--full -f -- capture the entire screen. (:0)
--selection -s -- select a rectangle to capture.
--upload -u -- upload the image to a hosting service for easy sharing.
--service -- (TODO) image hosting service
--verbose -v -- make the curl operations verbose
take a screenshot of the entire screen and upload it:
./i3scrot --full --upload
./i3scrot -f -u
take a screenshot of a selection, and be verbose:
./i3scrot --selection --verbose
./i3scrot -s -v
bindsym Print exec --no-startup-id /usr/bin/i3scrot -f
bindsym Alt+Print exec --no-startup-id /usr/bin/i3scrot -w
bindsym Shift+Print exec --no-startup-id /usr/bin/i3scrot -s
- a GUI + daemon
- multi monitor
- curl flags (secret, retention time etc)
- support for different image hosting services