I don't use YouTube/Spotify/Pandora/other music services for music listening for many reasons:
With Internet-based sites with no long-term offline functionality, I can't listen to music offline, or on my own terms. I download the music beforehand. I pay for the songs I like most.
YouTube is run like a brutal dictatorship. Anything Google wants to do, they do. Lots of videos in my collection can go down at any day for no explainable reason, in fact, over a dozen of the songs in my collection have been completely wiped off of YouTube. Luckily I have copies of them from before they were taken down.
Sites like YouTube are really clunky, and are very inefficient, VLC handles video and audio so much better than YouTube. I have noted that YouTube uses 70 MiB of RAM per tab, even if the video is less than 3 seconds long. VLC hardly uses any, and has much higher functionality.
I do NOT support DRM, and I don't want to use services that use DRM to listen to music, as I lose control of the music when DRM is in play.
These are the reasons why I don't listen to music online.