M3V8 (Milestone 3 version 8) is the eighth milestone build of SNU 3.0. It contains many improvements. This was going to be the fourth release that follows the new "Every 6 months" update schedule. Updates to the local version were suspended on May 25th 2020 in a process to switch work to GitHub part time. It later turned into a major full time project.
Version number: 3.0.6
Development start date: Not yet started
Development end date: The development hasn't ended yet
Planned development end date: December 14th 2020
License: GNU General Public License 3.0, Apache Software license 2.0, Mozilla Public license 2.0
Languages: English
Computer languages: HTML 5.3, Python 3.7, ActionScript 2.0/3.0, Ada, C, Haskell, Java, Lua, Pascal, Perl, PHP, Ruby, Rust
Version size: Not available
Preceeded by: SNU 3.0.6 (M3V7)
Succeeded by: Latest (M3V9)
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