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Papers and Presentations

Sean Parent edited this page Sep 23, 2015 · 38 revisions

Date: 2015-09-23

Title: Better Code: Data Structures

Abstract: The standard library containers are often both misused and underused. Instead of creating new containers, applications are often structured with incidental data structures composed of objects referencing other object. This talk looks at some of the ways the standard containers can be better utilized and how creating (or using non-standard library) containers can greatly simplify code. The goal is no incidental data structures.

Date: 2105-04-21, 2015-02-27

Title: Better Code: Concurrency

Abstract: Despite all of the recent interest, concurrency in standard C++ is still barely in its infancy. This talk uses the primitives supplied by C++14 to build a simple, reference, implementation of a task system. The goal is to learn to write software that doesn’t wait.

Notes: This is the version of the talk presented at the Bay Area C++ User Group Meeting.

Notes: This is the version of the talk I presented at the C++ Russia Conference, 2015. I presented an earlier draft at the ACCU, Silicon Valley Chapter. A video of that presentation is available here.

Date: 2014-05-14

Title: Goal: Implement Complete & Efficient Types

Abstract: The C++ Seasoning talk presented at GoingNative 2013 centered on 3 goals for better code. This talk provides foundational material on types, references, and basis operations. We'll look at how the definition of type, and physical nature of the machine, leads to the conclusion that all types are regular and why implementing complete types is a worthy goal.

Date: 2013-09-11

Title: C++ Seasoning

Abstract: A look at many of the new features in C++ and a couple of old features you may not have known about. With the goal of correctness in mind, we'll see how to utilize these features to create simple, clear, and beautiful code. Just a little pinch can really spice things up.

Notes: This is the ACCU, Silicon Valley Chapter version of the talk originally given at GoingNative 2013. The talk is also known as "3 Goals for Better Code." A video of the GoingNative talk can be found at Channel 9. This version contains an expanded ending to the polymorphism code, starting on page 179 of the PDF, and some optional slides that did not make that talk. The extended version of the talk was also given at A9 and is available here.

Date: 2013-09-11

Title: Inheritance Is The Base Class of Evil

Abstract: Implementing non-intrusive runtime polymorphic objects with value-semantics, and multiple-undo in 20 minutes.

Notes: A video of the GoingNative talk can be found at Channel 9. This is an abbreviated version of the Value Semantics and Concept-based Polymorphism talk linked to below.

Date: 2013-09-06
Updated: 2013-09-24

Title: Value Semantics and Concept-based Polymorphism

Abstract: This talk explains why (and how) to implement polymorphism without inheritance in C++. The talk contains many C++ tips and techniques, including many new features from C++11. During the course of that talk a key feature from Photoshop will be demonstrated and implemented.

Date: 2013-03-05

Title: Language Delay

Abstract: A look at how programming languages are failing to keep up with a rapidly changing hardware and business landscape. Not long ago it was clear to everyone that because of the rate at which clock speeds were doubling the industry should be optimizing for programmer productivity and let the hardware solve the performance issues. More recently both the dynamics of hardware and the business landscape have thrown these assumptions out the window and left a large vacuum in the programming language landscape. This talk takes a looks at how much things have changed and how a reset in our approach is needed.

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