Issue Tracker is a web-based application that allows users to create and manage projects and their related issues. It is built using Node.js and Express framework with MongoDB for data storage.
- Demo:
- Hosted link:
- Overview
- Features
- Technologies Used
- Installation
- Usage
- Contributing
- License
- Contact
Issue Tracker is a web application built using Node.js and EJS that allows users to track issues or bugs associated with different projects. Inspired by GitHub's issue tracker, this application provides a simple and intuitive interface for managing project issues, creating new projects, and filtering issues based on various criteria.
- Home Page: Displays a list of existing projects with a button to create a new project.
- Create Project Page: Users can create a new project by providing:
- Name
- Description
- Author
- Project Detail Page: Displays all bugs related to the selected project with the ability to:
- Filter issues by multiple labels
- Filter issues by author
- Search issues by title and description
- Create a new issue for the project
- Create Issue Page: Allows users to create a new issue by providing:
- Title
- Description
- Labels (multiple labels can be added)
- Author
- Backend: Node.js, Express
- Frontend: EJS, HTML, CSS (custom styling)
- Database: (Specify if using a database like MongoDB, SQLite, etc.)
- Version Control: Git, GitHub
To run the application locally, follow these steps:
- Clone the repository: git clone /~ cd issue-tracker
- Install dependencies: npm install
- Set up the database: (If applicable, include any setup instructions for your database)
- Run the application: npm start
- Creating a New Project: Click on the "Create New Project" button on the home page, fill in the required fields, and submit the form.
- Viewing Projects: Click on any project to view its details and associated issues.
- Filtering Issues: Use the filtering options on the project detail page to find specific issues based on labels and authors.
- Creating Issues: Click the "Create New Issue" button to add a new issue to the selected project.
- Contributions are welcome! If you have suggestions for improvements or bug fixes, please fork the repository and - submit a pull request. Ensure that your code adheres to the existing style and structure.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.