- New Feature: Added config parameter (thanks konstantingross) #409
- New Feature: Set the configuration environment with the electron.manifest.json file.
- Fixed bug: Custom user path removed and replaced by the correct directory with VS macro (When ElectronNET.CLI is the Startup Project, press F5 (Debug) and the ElectronNET.WebApp starts correctly without error!) (thanks konstantingross) #409
- New Feature: Native Electron 9.0.1 support, but not all new features (we search contributors)
- New Feature: PowerMonitor API Support (thanks gustavo-lara-molina) #399 #423
- New Feature: NativeTheme API Support (thanks konstantingross) #402
- New Feature: Cookie API Support (thanks freosc) #413
- Changed Feature: Removed dock methods from App API and moved to Dock API (thanks konstantingross) #422
- App-Api Enhancement: MenuItems with Submenus need an submenu type workaround #412
- App-Api Enhancement: Added UserAgentFallback (thanks Mandrakia) #406
- App-Api Enhancement: Summaries rewritten, new App.IsReady / App.HasSingleInstanceLock property, App.Ready event, App.Focus with force parameter method, many parameters changes (thanks konstantingross) #415 #422
- App-Api Enhancement: New App.IsReady property and App.Ready event (thanks konstantingross) #415
- Shell-Api Enhancement: API fixes for Electron 9.0.0 / Added missing parameters / Summaries rewritten (thanks konstantingross) #417 #418
- Notification-Api Enhancement: Added missing properties in Notifications (thanks konstantingross) #410
- BrowserWindows-Api Enhancement: Add missing API call for SetProgressBar options (thanks konstantingross) #416
- MacOS Enhancement: Application exit logic (thanks dafergu2) #405
- Fixed bug: ElectronNET.API.Entities.WebPreferences.ContextIsolation [DefaultValue(true)] #411
ElectronNET.WebApp (internal use):
- Improvement debugging and testing new API calls (without install ElectronNET.CLI) (thanks konstantingross) #425
- Fixed bug: Cannot find modules in ElectronHostHook (thanks konstantingross) #425
New Feature: Deactivate PublishReadyToRun for build or start #395
electronize build /target win /PublishReadyToRun false
electronize start /PublishReadyToRun false
Fixed bug: Application window doesn't open after packaging #387
- New Feature: NativeImage Support (thanks ThrDev) #394
- New Feature: Update menu items for context menu and system tray on-the-fly. #270
- New Feature: Set a name and author of the app in
#348 #310 - New Feature: Live reload (thanks syedadeel2) #390
electronize start /watch
- New Feature: Every new window will created with an clear cache #273
electronize start /clear-cache
- New Feature: Native Electron 8.2.3 support, but not all new features (we search contributors)
- New Feature: We incease the startup time for ~25-36% #356
- New Feature: Added print capability (thanks x-xx-o) #355
- New Feature: BrowserView API #371
- Changed App.GetNameAsync and App.SetNameAsync to the App.Name Property #350
- Fixed bug: Splash Screen disappearing on click #357
- Fixed bug: Start MenuRole enum at 1 (thanks jjuback) #369
- Fixed bug: BridgeConnector not connected (spam console) #347
- Fixed bug: BrowserWindowOptions is not setting Width and Height properly #373
- Fixed bug: IpcMain.Once(string) is not one time use, is not removing listener #366
- Fixed bug: IpcMain.RemoveAllListeners(string) is not removing the listeners #365
- Fixed bug: GetLoginItemSettingsAsync does not work #352
- Fixed bug: Using OnReadyToShow to display the main window in Blazor does not seem to work with Show set to false #361
- Fixed bug: Unable to disable WebSecurity along with NodeIntegration enabled #389
New Feature: Different manifest file support #340
- Create a additional manifest file:
electronize init /manifest test
- Start the app with your additional manifest file:
electronize start /manifest electron.manifest.test.json
- Build the app with your additional manifest file:
electronize build /target win /manifest electron.manifest.test.json
- Create a additional manifest file:
New Feature: Command Line support #337
- You can start the app with:
electronize start /args --dog=woof --test=true
- Or as binary:
myapp.exe /args --dog=woof --test=true
- You can start the app with:
Fixed bug: Start process with listen port 8000 error. #308 (thanks thecodejedi)
Fixed bug:
electronize build
with no arguments would throw aKeyNotFoundException
. (thanks jamiebrynes7)
- New Feature: Electron 7.1.2 support, but not all new features (we search contributors) #341
- New Feature: Electron.App.CommandLine API #337
- New Feature: Support of BrowserWindow.AddExtension, BrowserWindow.RemoveExtension, BrowserWindow.GetExtensions (thanks Daddoon)
Thank you for donation robertmclaws ❤
- Move to .NET Core 3.0
- Use npm npx instead of global installations (thanks jimbuck)
- Move to .NET Core 3.0
- New Feature: Add BrowserWindow.RemoveMenu() (thanks hack2root)
Thanks to MaherJendoubi, kant2002, raz-canva and Daddoon to give .NET Core 3.0 feedback!
- Fixed bug: Build fails with latest electron-builder version #288
- New Feature: Full support for Auto Updater (Based on electron-updater - Version 4.0.6)
- New Feature: Support for set a custom static Port to ASP.NET Backend #155
- Fixed bug: Electron tray icon TypeError (Electron original issue) (thanks Tum4ik)
- Fixed bug: Wrong tray icon path in the application built via
electronize build
command (thanks Tum4ik) - Fixed bug: fix async issue where same port is considered open #261 (thanks netpoetica)
- Fixed usage of the
according fixed bugs in the ElectronNET.CLI (thanks Tum4ik)
- Fixed bug: Menu Item visibility #257
- Fixed bug: electron.manifest.json - singleInstance not working #258
- Fixed security issue: ASP.NET Core process is now bound to instead of the broader localhost #258
- New Feature: Changed from electron packager to electron builder
- New Feature: 'add hosthook' command for add a ElectronHostHook-Directory
- Fixed bug: 'Unexpected firewall warnings' #181
- Fixed bug: 'found 8 vulnerabilities (1 low, 5 moderate, 2 high)' #199
- Merged pull request: Call electronize from the Path instead of via dotnet in launchSettings.json #243 (thanks grbd)
- New Feature: Electron 5.0.1 support, but not all new features
- New Feature: Auto Updater (Based on electron-updater)
- New Feature: Splashscreen-Support
- New Feature: HostHook-API for execute own TypeScript/JavaScript code on native Electron Main-Process
- New Feature: Session-API functions
- Fixed bug: Node process running after stopping app #96
- Fixed bug: 'X and Y options to not work on Windows 10' #193
- Fixed bug: Unable to clear cache #66
- Merged pull request: Fix BrowserWindow::SetMenu #231 thanks (thanks CodeKenpachi)
- Merged pull request: FIX application hangs after socket reconnect #233 (thanks pedromrpinto)
- Merged pull request: Reduce chance of detecting false positives when scanning subprocesses for errors. #236 (thanks BorisTheBrave)
- Merged pull request: Updates the C# API to accept floating point as in JS. #240 (thanks BorisTheBrave)
- Merged pull request: buildReleaseNuGetPackages should leave you in the same directory you … #241 (thanks BorisTheBrave)
- Implemented a sample for the new HostHook-API
- Fixed bug: 'Electron.NET API Demo: unable to copy code?' #247
- Invoke 'npm install' without --prod flag to install needed devDependencies as well.
- Enable SourceLink
- NuGet Package License Information updated (deprecation of licenseUrl)
- Documentation added for WebContents.GetUrl()
- Enable SourceLink
- NuGet Package License Information updated (deprecation of licenseUrl)
- manifestJsonFilePath fixed (thanks @smack0007)
- Use Electron release 3.0.0 and updated packages (thanks @deinok)
- fixes for Socket interaction (thanks @mojinxun)
- Fixing SingleInstances (thanks @yaofeng)
- Enhance WebContent.GetUrl (thanks @ru-sh)
- Show Resultcode for better debugging when using Build/Start Command
- ElectronNET.CLI is now a global dotnet tool
- Better Async handling - thanks @danielmarbach
- More options on the 'build' command, e.g. for a 32bit debug build with electron prune: build /target custom win7-x86;win32 /dotnet-configuration Debug /electron-arch ia32 /electron-params "--prune=true "
- .NET Core project is now built with Release configuration but can be adjusted with the new params.
- Be aware: "Breaking" (but because of the alpha status of this project, we won't use SemVer)
This version was skipped because we unfortunately released a pre-version of this on NuGet.
- Fixed electronize start for macos/linux - thanks @yamachu
- Skip NPM install on start when node_modules directory already exists
- nuget packages are now release bits and have the correct assembly version
- Version command
- better devCleanup.cmd
- Better Platform Support Issue - thanks to @Petermarcu
- Start Command should now work on OSX/Linux - thanks to @r105m
- Thread-Safe methods - thanks to @yeskunall
- The last nuget package didn't contain the actual webpreferences settings with defaults - hopefully now.
- dotnet electronize start fixed
- WebPreferences settings with default values
- Init with Debug profile
- Build for all platforms (well... for newest OSX/Linux/Windows)
- Moar XML documentation
- Hybrid support (e.g. running as normal website and electron app)
- Event bugfixing
- Added Init to Help page
- Added XML documentation to NuGet output
- Maybe fixed for ElectronNET#2
- Add XML documentation to NuGet output
- Implemented Notification-, Dialog- & Tray-API
- init everything and basic functionality