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randikathryn edited this page Jan 22, 2014 · 21 revisions


Fits retrieves xml metadata from the files you upload to hydraDAM, which is a painless way to harvest pre-existing metadata like file type.


  1. Change to the install directory mkdir -p /opt/install && cd /opt/install
  2. Get fits wget
  3. Install unzip
    sudo chmod +x fits-0.6.2/
    sudo cp -r fits-0.6.2/* /usr/local/bin/
  4. Simlink fits to
    sudo ln -s /usr/local/bin/ /usr/local/bin/fits
  5. Confirm fits. Typing fits should return “Invalid CLI options” and the fits usage notes. You can test your fits installation on the test.jpg you created when you tested ffmpeg: fits –i test.jpg should return a bunch of xml about your screenshot.
  6. Troubleshoot fits as necessary. If you get “command not found”, try echo $PATH – if /usr/local/bin is not included, add it to the relevant user’s bash_profile. For more info, see the fits documentation

Verification/Validation Steps

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