In this project a digital multi-instrument has been implemented, using SuperCollider and Processing platforms. The starting point in the mechanism of the instrument was the additive synthesis, that has been exploited in several ways in order to obtain a significant variability of sounds with the same instrument. In fact the user can both chose one of the already defined instruments (usually emulation of acoustic ones), obtained by superposing simple signals at different frequencies and with different amplitudes, or even select a simple oscillator and create his own sounds, superposing up to three layers. Also, each layer can assume one of the possible configurations between setted instruments and oscillators, so the collection of possible sounds is significantly wide considering also the envelope controls. Moreover, this variability is strengthened by the addition of a pitch-volume filter that can change the sound in its frequency and amplitude, allowing the user to set the automation and to reach a high level of creativity in the use of the instrument.