fv is a simple command line file pager written as a learning exercise.
git clone /~https://github.com/saivarshith2000/fv.git
cd git
make install
Note: fv is tested on linux systems only. It will NOT work on windows.
fv <filename>[:<line-number>] [-l] [-w] [-h] [-v]
Open file <filename>. To open the file at a specific line append ':' and the line-number to filename.
-l disable line numbers.
-f disable line folding.
-h show usage.
-v print version.
q - exit fv
h - scroll left a column
j - scroll down a row
k - scroll up a row
l - scroll right a column.
g - scroll to top of the file
G - scroll to bottom of the file
$ - scroll to end of the largest line
^ - scroll to start of line
<num>RETURN - scrolls to <num> line number.
<num><key>RETURN - equivalent to pressing <key> <num> times where <key> is one of h,j,k,l.
Note: All the above information can be accessed with man fv
command after installing fv.
fv is licensed under MIT License. See LICENSE